Radiation Oncology Reimbursement Could Face Major Changes in 2026
Posted: February 25, 2025The landscape of radiation oncology coding and reimbursement is undergoing the most significant shift in over a decade. With ongoing Medicare payment cuts and increased practice expenses, the financial stability of radiation oncology practices is at stake. Understanding these changes is essential to practice business planning, as well as the need to engage in advocacy to ensure that patients have access to high-quality care.

The ROCR Act: Past, Present and Future
Posted: November 6, 2024As 2024 winds down, this is a good time to take stock of radiation oncology’s efforts to advance Medicare payment reform legislation, known as the Radiation Oncology Case Rate (ROCR) Value Based Program Act (S. 4330/HR 8404).
Head and Neck Cancer Patients may have their Dental Services Covered by Medicare
Posted: August 6, 2024As a general rule, Medicare does not cover dental services, except in limited circumstances. The 2024 MPFS final rule details scenarios in which Medicare will now cover dental services that are medically necessary for patients undergoing covered treatments. Read more on the details of the new policy and what needs to be in place to work collaboratively with dental providers.
ASTRO Policy Engagement: From Legislation to Regulation
Posted: March 27, 2024ASTRO Health Policy Council Chair Catheryn Yashar, MD, FASTRO, provides a narrative of the internal process ASTRO undertakes when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issues Notices of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) involving regulatory and policy changes impacting radiation oncology.
ASTRO Releases New Radiation Oncology Payment Reform Legislative Proposal
Posted: June 28, 2023ASTRO releases a new radiation oncology payment reform legislative proposal. Review the payment program and provide your feedback.
CMMI Issues Update to Strategy Refresh with Specialty Care Integration Focus
Posted: November 16, 2022On November 7, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) issued Person-Centered Innovation – An Update on the Implementation of the CMS Innovation Center’s Strategy. The “update” report builds on the October 2021 Innovation Center Strategy Refresh document.
#FixPriorAuthNow: ASTRO Prior Authorization Advocacy and Resources
Posted: June 8, 2022ASTRO members Howard Sandler, MD, MS, FASTRO, chair of the Government Relations Council, and Constantine Mantz, MD, FASTRO, chair of the Health Policy Council, detail some of ASTRO’s advocacy efforts related to prior authorization.
ASTRO Set to Lose Seat at AMA Table; Action Needed
Posted: November 17, 2021Please consider joining the AMA to protect ASTRO's seat at the table in the AMA's House of Delegates.
Get the Scoop on Radiation Oncology Coding
Posted: November 9, 2021ASTRO’s annual Coding and Coverage Seminar is an excellent opportunity for those involved in the field of radiation oncology to gain more insight into CPT® coding guidance, billing practices and the evolving challenges medical professionals face in the radiation oncology field today.