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Black Leaders in Radiation Oncology

The field of radiation oncology owes much to the many trailblazers who dedicated their lives to the health and wellness of others while dealing with structural and systemic obstacles that made their achievements all the more impressive.

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Diversity and Inclusion

ASTRO is committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to, and benefit from, quality cancer care by encouraging the recruitment, training and development, and retention of a diverse group of radiation oncologists. ASTRO’s Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Council is leading the charge to provide tools and resources that expand access to health equity and health disparities education, support the cultivation of a diverse workforce, and amply underrepresented voices within radiation oncology.

Learn more about ASTRO’s DEI strategic priorities, dedicated leadership, and program and initiatives designed to increase diversity, health equity and inclusion throughout the organization and the field.

ASTRO Leadership on D&I

Diversity, equity and inclusion is a strategic priority for ASTRO leadership. Access important messages and blog posts from leadership and ASTRO statements to stay informed.


Many new initiatives have launched as a result of ASTRO’s efforts to increase diversity and inclusion at all levels of the radiation oncology workforce.

ASTRO Members on D&I

Special sessions were held at the 2020 Annual Meeting to provide ASTRO members a platform to share their experiences with diversity, health equity and inclusion. 

Diversity and Inclusion in ASTRO's Journals

Publications provide timely research on diversity, equity and inclusion in health care.
Copyright © 2024 American Society for Radiation Oncology