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After overwhelming sentiments expressed by ASTRO members that the Society should become more involved in the political process, the Board of Directors created ASTRO PAC, a federal political action committee (PAC).

ASTRO PAC provides ASTRO with the opportunity to more fully participate in government and ensure our members' voices are heard by key policymakers in Washington. ASTRO representation on Capitol Hill is critical to creating and maintaining the most positive environment for our cancer treatment and research.

What is a PAC?

  • A Political Action Committee (PAC) is strictly regulated by the FEC and only allows for voluntary, individual contributions under stringent guidelines for participation. 
  •  A PAC has power in numbers. It gives a company a voice through a meaningful show of employee engagement (i.e., 500 employees contributed to the PAC to make this contribution possible). 
  • Corporations and associations like ASTRO are prohibited from directly contributing to federal candidates – but they may operate a PAC, like ASTRO PAC. 
  • A PAC is one of the most heavily regulated, fair and accepted means of funding elections.

What does a PAC do?

  • Makes sure you have a seat at the table — if our specialty isn’t sharing our story and perspective on issues impacting us and our patients, someone else is driving the narrative.
    • PACs permit corporate, association or union employees to pool small-dollar contributions to support like-minded candidates. PACs also help to promote employee, member and citizen involvement in politics. 
    • The PAC is an important tool within the overall government affairs engagement strategy and amplifies the voices of members. 
    • While a PAC contribution doesn’t ensure access, it helps send a message and build relationships with candidates and lawmakers.
  • Also fosters voter education by communicating issues and candidate views to members and offers voting information. They serve as a medium for educating stakeholders on PACs, politics, legislation and civic involvement opportunities, drawing an estimated 12 million people into the political arena.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the maximum amount I can contribute to ASTRO PAC?
  • An individual can contribute up to $5,000 in one calendar year.
What is the difference between “soft” and “hard” dollar contributions? Can I make a corporate contribution from my practice?
  • “Hard” dollar contributions can only be made to ASTRO PAC by individuals and are used to directly support Congressional candidates. “Soft” dollar contributions can be made by corporate practices and are used to cover the administrative expenses of ASTRO for ASTRO PAC. There is no limit on “soft” dollar contributions.
How many times can I contribute in one year?
  • Contributions can be made at any frequency level, as long as the contributions do not total more than $5,000 in one year.
Is my contribution tax-deductible?
  • Since the funds are used for elections, not charitable purposes, the contributions made to ASTRO PAC are not tax-deductible.
What is the recommended giving level?
  • Residents: $200
  • Early Career (In practice 7 or less years): $250 - $500
  • In practice 7-14 years: $500 - $1,000
  • In practice 14-20: $1,000 - $1,500
  • In practice 20+: $1,500 and above
How much is contributed to one candidate’s campaign?
  • ASTRO PAC may contribute up to $5,000 to a candidate for each election, the primary and the general.
I’m a Democrat/Republican, does ASTRO PAC only give to one party?
  • ASTRO PAC is a bipartisan entity that contributes to candidates that align with ASTRO’s legislative priorities.
If I have more questions about ASTRO PAC, who can I contact?
  • You can reach out to ASTRO staff member, Zach Harris with any follow-up questions that you may have.
How do I make a contribution?

Contributions can be made at www.astro.org/astropac or a check can be mailed to:
PO Box 418075
Boston, MA 02241-8075

Contact staff

For additional information about ASTRO PAC, please contact Courtney Williams or Zachary Harris.

ASTRO PAC Disclosure

Contributions to ASTRO PAC are not deductible for federal tax purposes. Contributions to ASTRO PAC are entirely voluntary.

You have the right to refuse to contribute to ASTRO PAC without reprisal. Any suggested contribution levels are merely suggestions: you may contribute more or less than the suggested amounts or not at all. 

The American Society for Radiation Oncology will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or decision not to contribute.

Copyright © 2025 American Society for Radiation Oncology