Patient Brochures
Featured Brochure
Radiation Therapy for Cancers of the Esophagus and Stomach
Newly created in 2025, this booklet helps people with cancers of the esophagus or stomach better understand how radiation therapy can be used to treat their cancer, what other treatment types are used with radiation, what to expect prior to beginning radiation therapy treatment and tips on caring for yourself, as well as an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
Sold in packs of 50 for $30.
Note: This brochure replaces Radiation Therapy for Cancers of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract.
ASTRO created the following brochures to help physicians provide information to people with cancer and their families about the treatment options available. They are available to purchase along with our other patient education materials on our product catalog.
About the Radiation Oncology Treatment Team
Updated in 2023, this brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand the roles of all the members of the radiation oncology treatment team. This brochure can also be used to educate students about careers in radiation oncology.
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Radiation Therapy for Bladder Cancer
Updated in 2020, this brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand how radiation therapy is used to treat bladder cancer. It gives information on the disease, details treatment options and lists possible side effects in an expanded, easily readable side effects graph.
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Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases
Updated in 2020 to include expanded, easily readable side effects panels, this brochure explains what brain metastases are and how radiation therapy can be used to effectively treat this disease. The full-color brochure also gives details on side effects and how to care for yourself during treatment. This brochure is also a helpful companion to our Radiation Therapy for Brain Tumors brochure.
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Radiation Therapy for Brain Tumors
Updated in 2023, this brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand how radiation therapy works to treat brain tumors. It briefly explains the differences between 3-D CRT, IMRT and stereotactic radiotherapy (radiosurgery) and includes information on side effects and caring for yourself during treatment. Additionally, it includes an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team. This brochure can be a helpful companion to our Radiation Therapy for Brain Metastases brochure.
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Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer
Updated in 2023, this newly expanded booklet contains the most up-to-date information on treating breast cancer to help patients and their caregivers understand their options, as well as an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
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Radiation Therapy for Cancer
Updated and expanded in 2023, this 36-page booklet helps patients and their families to better understand radiation therapy as a cancer treatment. It explains how radiation therapy works, the different treatment types, what to expect before, during and after treatment, gives a safety overview, introduces the treatment team, explains what clinical trials are and suggests questions to discuss with the radiation oncologist. Newly included are pages for doctor/patient consult notes.
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Radiation Therapy for Cancers of the Esophagus and Stomach
Newly created in 2025, this booklet helps people with cancers of the esophagus or stomach better understand how radiation therapy can be used to treat their cancer, what other treatment types are used with radiation, what to expect prior to beginning radiation therapy treatment and tips on caring for yourself, as well as an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
Note: This brochure replaces Radiation Therapy for Cancers of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract
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Radiation Therapy for Colon, Rectum and Anus Cancers
Updated in 2025, this booklet helps people with cancer better understand the different types of cancers of the lower GI tract, how radiation therapy can be used to treat cancers of the colon, rectum and anus, what other treatment types are used with radiation, what to expect prior to beginning radiation therapy treatment and tips on caring for yourself, as well as an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
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Radiation Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers
Updated in 2020, this brochure contains the most up-to-date information on how external beam therapy and brachytherapy work to treat cancers of the female genital track and also explains potential side effects in an expanded, easily readable side effects graph.
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Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer
Updated in 2020 to include expanded, easily readable side effects panels, this brochure contains important information on the main types of cancer of the head and neck and how radiation therapy works to treat them. It includes pictures of radiation therapy to help patients better understand what is involved.
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Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancer
Updated in 2023, this booklet contains important information on the main types of cancer of the lung and how radiation therapy works for patients and their caregivers to understand their options, as well as an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
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Radiation Therapy for Lymphomas
Updated in 2023, this booklet helps people with Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma better understand how radiation works to beat the disease. It explains involved field radiation, total nodal irradiation and total body irradiation, as well as biologic therapies like monoclonal antibodies and radiolabeled antibodies. Additionally, it includes an easily readable side effects chart and questions to ask the radiation oncology team.
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Radiation Therapy for Metastases to the Bone
Updated in 2020 to include expanded, easily readable side effects panels, this brochure explains what bone metastases are and how radiation therapy can be used to effectively treat this disease. The full-color brochure also gives details on side effects and how to care for yourself during treatment.
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Radiation Therapy for Palliative Care
Updated in 2020 to include expanded, easily readable side effects panels, this brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand the role that palliative radiation therapy can play in helping alleviate symptoms from cancer and medical treatments. This brochure answers many of the questions patients will have when considering palliative radiation therapy.
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Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Updated in 2024, this brochure contains the most up-to-date information on treating prostate cancer to help patients and their caregivers understand their options including external beam radiation therapy, brachytherapy and hormone therapy. Additionally, there is a comprehensive graphic side effects chart and a list of questions to ask the care team.
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Radiation Therapy for Skin Cancer
Updated in 2015, this brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand how radiation therapy works to treat skin cancers, including melanoma. A small diagram of the skin is included to help explain the disease. This brochure was designed to include space to attach a business card and for patients or physicians to write notes. Additionally there is an expanded area on side effects.
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Stereotactic Radiotherapy
This brochure helps patients and their caregivers understand stereotactic radiotherapy. It gives information on what conditions are treated with stereotactic radiotherapy, other names used for the treatment and how those treatments are alike and different.
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ASTRO ha creado los siguientes folletos para ayudar a los médicos a proporcionar información a las personas con cáncer y a sus familias sobre las opciones de tratamiento disponibles. Están disponibles para su compra, junto con otros materiales educativos para pacientes, en nuestra página web catálogo de productos.
Radioterapia Para El Cancer De Mama Brochure
Actualizado en 2016, contiene la información más actualizada sobre el tratamiento del cáncer de mama para ayudar a las pacientes y a sus cuidadores a entender sus opciones, incluyendo información sobre la irradiación parcial acelerada de la mama y la radiación de la pared torácica después de la mastectomía. Además, ahora hay un área ampliada sobre los efectos secundarios. Se vende en paquetes de 50 unidades.
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La Radioterapia Para El Tratamiento Del Cancer Brochure
Actualizado y ampliado en 2023, este folleto de 36 páginas ayuda a los pacientes y sus familias a comprender mejor la radioterapia como tratamiento para el cáncer. Explica cómo funciona la radioterapia, los diferentes tipos de tratamiento, qué esperar antes, durante y después del tratamiento, proporciona una descripción general de seguridad, presenta al equipo de tratamiento, explica qué son los ensayos clínicos y sugiere preguntas para discutir con el oncólogo de radiación. Recientemente se han incluido páginas para las notas de consulta médico/paciente. Se vende en paquetes de 50 por $35.
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Radioterapia Para El Cáncer de Pulmón
Como novedad en 2016, esta versión en español de la popular Radioterapia para el cáncer de pulmón contiene la información más actualizada sobre el tratamiento del cáncer de pulmón para ayudar a los pacientes y a sus cuidadores a entender sus opciones. Además, ahora hay un área ampliada sobre los efectos secundarios.
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Radioterapia Para El Cancer De Prostata Brochure
Actualizado en 2016, este folleto en español contiene la información más actualizada sobre el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata para ayudar a los pacientes y a sus cuidadores a entender sus opciones, incluyendo la IMRT, la IGRT, la SBRT y la braquiterapia. Además, ahora hay un área ampliada sobre los efectos secundarios. Se vende en paquetes de 50 unidades.
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