
Practice Support

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Quality and Safety Resources

ASTRO offers a variety of quality and safety resources including the following:

As needed, ASTRO develops additional resources to add to this body of work and continues to promote high quality and safe radiation oncology practice.

Sample Checklists for Staff Orientation

All new employees, regardless of whether they recently completed training or are highly skilled experts coming from another workplace, need a comprehensive orientation to the radiation oncology practice. For a smooth transition and easy integration into the team, new hires must appreciate the practice’s unique standardized processes and procedures. This orientation process will take time and should also be standardized so that no critical component is missed. As a new resource to support practices, especially during a time of staffing challenges, ASTRO developed sample orientation checklists.

These documents are only samples; they do not contain any formal recommendations and are not prescriptive guidelines. The resources are available as a word document for ease of adapting the checklist to each radiation oncology practice’s unique needs. These checklists are divided by role on the radiation oncology team but some aspects of orientation, such as a review of quality and safety activities, transcend everyone, regardless of title. To date, sample checklists are available for:

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