Staying engaged after DC
October 16, 2024
During the Annual Meeting, the ASTRO Advocacy team talked with hundreds of members at the ASTROPAC pod, where the most common question was: “What can I do to get engaged?” There are three key steps you can take:
- Talk to Congress. One of the most effective engagements is the easiest AND most urgent: ask Congress to cosponsor ROCR. By just filling in your address, this request automatically goes to both your senators and representative; and it’s easy to add a personal message of your own. This takes a minute of your time and makes a huge impact toward meaningful payment reform.
- Visit DC next spring. For more than 20 years, the Advocacy Team has welcomed ASTRO members to Washington, DC, for Advocacy Day. On Monday, attendees hear from experts on ASTRO legislative priorities, the congressional landscape, and join lively discussions with colleagues and ASTRO leaders. Tuesday puts that knowledge and engagement to work in meetings across Capitol Hill with members of Congress. Save the date now (May 19-20, 2025), and look for registration information in the new year!
- Learn more about Advocacy. Your involvement in ASTRO’s advocacy efforts is a critical component of protecting and promoting radiation oncology and the interests of cancer patients. ASTRO advocates before Congress, the White House and other federal agencies. For more advocacy tools, follow the action box on the left of Key Issues page.