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ASTRO and SROA team up to tackle prior authorization

December 12, 2022

ASTRO and the Society for Radiation Oncology Administrators (SROA) are teaming up to tackle prior authorization challenges. Both societies will collect examples of inappropriate denials and delays in care, and identify trends and themes to review with payers during regularly scheduled meetings.

Why It Matters:
Payers are often unaware of the inappropriate prior authorization practices many third-party benefits management companies pursue resulting in treatment delays or denials. This partnership will bring radiation oncologists and practice administrators to the table with payers to discuss inappropriate treatment delays and denials. Discussions will focus on patient cases and scenarios that demonstrate common inappropriate prior authorization trends. The goal is to educate payers and urge them to rein in third-party benefit management companies.

What You Should Do:
ASTRO and SROA will issue a call for examples in advance of each payer meeting. Work with your practice administrator to identify examples of inappropriate use of prior authorization policies that have resulted in treatment delays and denials. Make sure your examples include de-identified patient information. Submit your de-identified examples and the ASTRO-SROA team will review your submission, follow up with any questions and let you know the payer’s response to your example once the meeting has taken place.

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