
2024 Virtual Coding and Coverage Seminar

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Program Content/Format

The ASTRO Coding and Coverage Seminar is designed to provide information to ASTRO members (radiation oncologists, radiation physicists, dosimetrists, radiation therapists), coding professionals and practice administrators on the topic of CPT codes and coverage within radiation oncology. The code set within radiation oncology is very complex and reflects ongoing changes due to changes in health care policies, private and public payer coverage determinations, and national correct coding edits and modalities within the practice of radiation oncology. Correct coding reflects collaboration between the radiation oncology clinical team, but also between professional coders and practice administrators. Correct coding has widespread impacts on code development and valuation, which could potentially have long-term effects on coverage and reimbursements for all members in the radiation oncology community. The ASTRO Coding and Coverage Seminar will address these topics, strengthening the knowledge and practice of clinical coding within the specialty of radiation oncology.

Statement of Need

Coding and coverage for radiation oncology is not addressed in medical programs, nor regularly included in job training for billing and coding professionals. The ASTRO Coding and Coverage Seminar will address this professional practice gap. The seminar will also include case studies that allow participants to test their knowledge and apply newly-learned strategies for coding and coverage. Finally, participants will be able to apply their new coding and coverage skills to improve coding accuracy related to daily clinical practice.

Program Objectives

Upon completion of this live activity, attendees should be able to do the following:
  • Describe the process of code development and the significance it holds for correct coding in radiation oncology.
  • Demonstrate accurate coding of several clinical case studies across multiple radiation oncology modalities.
  • Explain the significance of advocacy and ASTRO’s advocacy efforts within radiation oncology.

Elements of Competence

This educational forum has been designed to narrow the competency gaps of:
  • Medical Knowledge
  • Practice-based Learning and Improvement
  • Interpersonal Skills and Communication
  • Patient-centered Care
  • Work in Interdisciplinary Teams
  • Quality Improvement
  • Commitment to Lifelong Learning
  • Cognitive Expertise
  • Values/Ethics for Interprofessional Practice
  • Roles/Responsibilities
  • Interprofessional Communication
  • Teams and Teamwork
These are 12 of the 19 core competencies embraced by the American Board of Medical Specialties, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the Institute of Medicine, the American Board of Radiology and the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Target Audience

This meeting is designed to meet the interests of radiation oncologists, physicists, radiation therapists, radiation dosimetrists, practice administrators, certified coders and professional coders.
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