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Radiation Physics

Radiation physics is one of the primary pillars underlying the practice of radiation oncology, and understanding the principles of radiation physics helps radiation oncologists become better clinicians. Moreover, this multidisciplinary scientific and clinical collaboration helps drive the scientific inquiry that expands the frontiers of radiation oncology and helps our future clinicians and clinician scientists contribute to the future of cancer research and treatment.

The basic curriculum for resident education in radiation oncology physics is described in the ASTRO radiation oncology core curriculum. In addition, the study guide for the American Board of Radiology Qualifying Examination in Radiation Oncology Physics is based on this curriculum and provides supplementary guidance on content. Useful reference texts are also provided by both of these resources. ARRO provides the additional resources below, including educational documents and videos by experts in the field of radiation oncology, to enhance resident learning in both the basic science and technical applications of physics in radiation oncology.

RRO High Yield Review Videos (Invited lectures on topics by request from ARRO membership)

ROMPES Modules (Introductory lectures in radiation physics by leaders in the field including Drs. Patrick McDermott, Matthew Studenski, Timothy Ritter, Steven Sutlief, Arthur Boyer and Ying Xiao)

Primer on Radiation Oncology Physics Video Tutorials (Based on the textbook by Dr. Eric Ford)

HiPhy RadOnc Videos (High-yield animated physics education videos for radiation oncology residents by Drs. Gabby Peters, Suzanne B. Evans, Jay Burmeister and Eric Ford)

ARRO Radiobiology and Physics Case-Based Educational Modules (Clinical vignettes incorporating relevant physics and radiobiology questions built into google forms. Created by Drs. Michael Dominello, Jay Burmeister, Michael Joiner, Marcus Crosby and Hassan Beydoun, and further developed by the ARRO Education Committee)

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