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ARRO Educator of the Year Award

ARRO is now accepting nominations for the ARRO Educator of the Year award. ARRO strives to promote and recognize educational excellence in radiation oncology training programs. Each year, ARRO presents the annual Educator of the Year Award to one outstanding faculty member at each participating institution.

The chief resident at each program is invited to submit the name of one faculty member who will be provided with a certificate from ARRO. You may consider physicists, biologists or other faculty members if appropriate. Please discuss this award with your fellow residents and ask your chief to submit one nomination from your program for Educator of the Year with the information as detailed below. Please submit only one nominee per institution.

Be sure to submit your ARRO Educator of the Year Award nominee to ARRO before the deadline on April 18, 2025, by completing the form below.


*Educator's Full Name with Credentials

(First Name Last Name, Credentials)

Please provide the full name with credentials of the person being nominated for the award. Please be sure to provide first name last name, credentials as the certificate will be printed with the exact text provided here.

Educator's Title

Please provide the title of the educator being nominated. For example, Chair, Professor, Assistant Professor.

Educator's Institution

Please provide the institution name of the educator being nominated.

Nominator Name (First Name Last Name)

Please provide the name of the person making the nomination. This is who we will contact with questions and who we will mail/email the certificate to.

Nominator Email

Please provide the email address for the person making the nomination.

Nominator Address

Please provide the complete mailing address for the nominator. This is who we will mail the certificate to.

Copyright © 2025 American Society for Radiation Oncology