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ACS-ASTRO Felix Feng, MD Clinician Scientist Development Grant Award

This past spring, more than 100 prostate cancer researchers met in San Francisco to honor the career and lifetime contributions made by Felix Feng, MD, FASTRO. At that meeting, Drs. Karen Knudsen, CEO, and Bill Dahut, CSO of the American Cancer Society met with then ASTRO Chair Jeff Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO, to discuss establishing a fund in Dr. Feng’s name to support an ACS-ASTRO Clinical Scientist Development Grant Award. Over the ensuing months and after many conversations with benefactors, colleagues and friends of Dr. Feng, ASTRO is pleased to announce that the Board has approved funds to launch the ACS-ASTRO Felix Feng, MD Clinician Scientist Development Grant Award. ACS and ASTRO are partnering to further grow the fund to meet our ambitious goals and amplify the impact of our current partnership. Dr. Michalski appealed to the membership of ASTRO during the ASTRO Awards Ceremony to open their hearts and wallets and make a pledge to support research in radiation oncology, advance our field and honor Dr. Feng.

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