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RO-ILS Submit Event Data Elements

The purpose of the “Submit Event” page is for any user to perform initial, front-line reporting. This page includes less than 10 questions, listed below, and typically takes only a few minutes to complete. An asterisk symbol (*) indicates a required question.

Download a printable PDF of all RO-ILS data elements.

101. Location_Main

Question: *Location:
Response Option: The response option is specific to each contract (i.e., practice) and is autoselected
Branching Logic: None

102. Location_Sub

Question: *Sub Location:
Response Option: The response option(s) are specific to each contract (i.e., facility(ies))
Branching Logic: None

103. Location_Addt

Question: *Additional Location:
Response Option: The response options are optional and at the discretion of the practice
Branching Logic: None

104. Classification

Question: *Event Classification:
Response Option:
  • Therapeutic Radiation Incident: Radiation dose not delivered as intended, with or without harm
  • Other Safety Incident: Event that reached the patient, not involving radiation dose, with or without harm (examples: collision, fall, etc.)
  • Near-miss: A safety event that did not reach the patient
  • Unsafe condition: Any condition that increases the probability of a safety event
  • Operational/Process Improvement: non-safety event
Branching Logic: None

105. Narrative

Question: *Narrative: (Briefly describe the event, 4000 character limit)
Response Option: Free Text
Branching Logic: None

106. Tx_Technique

Question: *Treatment technique pertinent to event: (Select all that apply)
Response Option: 
  • 2-D
  • 3-D
  • Particles (Protons)
  • Electrons
  • Intraoperative
  • kV X-rays (i.e., Orthovoltage and superficial)
  • LDR
    • List LDR radioisotope (manufacturer, if applicable) and applicator:
  • HDR
    • List HDR radioisotope (manufacturer, if applicable) and applicator:
  • Radiopharmaceuticals
    • List Radiopharmaceutical radioisotope (manufacturer, if applicable):
  • Total body irradiation (TBI)
  • Not Applicable
  • Other
    • *Specify 'Other':
Branching Logic: None

107. Local_ID

Question: Local Identifier:
Response Option: Free Text
Branching Logic: None

108. Reporter_Name

Question: Reporter's Name:
Response Option: Free Text
Branching Logic: None

109. Event_Date_Time

Question: *Date and time the event occurred:
Response Option: MM/DD/YYYY, XX:XX AM/PM
Branching Logic: None
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