ASTRO 2023 Annual Meeting Embargo Policy
All abstracts to be presented at the ASTRO Annual Meeting are embargoed until 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, September 29, 2023. The embargo for all posters at the meeting will also lift at that time. For abstracts selected for oral presentation, information beyond what is included in the abstract, such as updated or additional results, is embargoed until the date and time of scientific presentation or presentation at an ASTRO news briefing, whichever occurs first. The embargo policy applies to all abstracts regardless of whether information is obtained from another source.
Embargo violations by media professionals may result in suspension of credentials at ASTRO's Annual Meeting and may also impact the ability to receive advance media materials for future meetings. Embargo violations by abstract authors and/or sponsors may result in removal of the abstract from the scientific program. Abstract authors are responsible for notifying financial and other sponsors about this embargo policy.
Questions about the embargo policy may be directed to ASTRO's media relations team. Reporters who wish to receive embargoed materials should also contact ASTRO's media relations team.
The full text of the abstracts selected for oral and poster presentation will be available online in the ASTRO Annual Meeting Portal and MyASTROApp at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday, September 29, 2023. Posters will also be available at that time in the Annual Meeting Portal. Abstracts also will be published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics (Red Journal).