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Hearing from your colleagues is the best way to learn about a new or different opportunity. Below are some testimonials from radiation oncology professionals that work at APEx-accredited facilities. The statistics on the right are aggregated results from the ongoing program evaluation survey that is sent to all facilities after they receive their accreditation determination report.

We had a much better experience with APEx compared to [a previous accreditation program]. The APEx experience seemed more in depth and involved. At the same time our surveyors seemed more flexible and understand that each practice is different.
— Program satisfaction survey response
Geraldine JacobsonWhy bother going through the accreditation process? It’s that you don’t know what you don’t know, and the accreditation process is a means for multiple stakeholders – physicians, physics, dosimetry, nursing, administration, and anyone else who is involved, to look at processes and approaches to how they’re doing things.
— Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Jefferson Health 
We liked APEx’s philosophy of teamwork to help patients. The culture of safety is what we liked the most.
— Srinivasan Senthamizhchelv, PhD
CHI Memorial
Geraldine JacobsonWe were quite happy with the program. It focused on the more important details of running a modern and safe radiation practice.
— Neil Das Gupta, MD
Edward-Elmhurst Health
APEx is truly dedicated to the unique structure and challenges of radiation oncology. It stands out as the designated source of external quality standards for a radiation oncology department. As we attempt to proactively build a metric-driven quality program in our department, APEx standards provide the most accessible backbone.
— Brandon Weiss, RT(T)
Allegheny Health Network
The process overall has prompted us to take a closer look at our processes and documentation and collaborate as a team to improve our workflows. It has been well worth the time and effort, and I feel it’s been a very valuable process.
— Program satisfaction survey response
Geraldine JacobsonThe APEx mission is very important. The Evidence Indicators are very detailed.
— Christin Knowlton, MD, MA
Smilow Cancer Center


Learn more about APEx from this 2021 ASTRO session.

Below are testimonials related to specific areas of the program to help interested practices understand the scope and benefits of becoming an APEx-accredited practice.

dicker Probably the greatest benefit of all is APEx’s Self-Assessment because it offers self-reflection and a chance to look at our roles in the radiation therapy process. The actual site visit is necessary, but perfunctory, it’s what you’ve recognized or identified during the Self-Assessment that enables you to know what needs to be corrected. Accreditation provides that advice on opportunities on where to make improvements. You do the hard work during the Self-Assessment and the facility visit is confirmation of everything you’ve done.
— Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Jefferson Health
Self-assessment was revealing. It helped determine weak spots and we were able to strengthen them. Mostly in our policies.
— Program satisfaction survey response
Doing all the work upfront in the Self-Assessment really prepares you for the on-site survey.
— Program satisfaction survey response
I felt the surveyors were very professional, listened to our responses, and were quite detail oriented.
— Program satisfaction survey response
The facility visit was excellent! The reviewers were thorough and gave thoughtful suggestions. The process was organized and efficient.
—Program satisfaction survey response
It went really well. The surveyors were great. Easy to communicate with and very explanatory of the process.
— Program satisfaction survey response
We could not have been more pleased with our surveyors on the facility visit. They were very thorough and provided great feedback.
—Program satisfaction survey response
APEx was in depth on requirements and ensures that we followed through with process operations as documented in our SOPs.
— Program satisfaction survey response
Yu-Huei Jessica Huang, PhD APEx does not require everyone to follow the exact same process; rather, the clinic can define their own process as long as it can demonstrate quality and safety of the services provided to the patients. I think this is where APEx stands out.
— Yu-Huei Jessica Huang, PhD
Huntsman Cancer Hospital
APEx Surveyor
Maria Czerminska, M.S. [APEx] is objective, transparent process and you know what the requirements are from the start.
— Maria Czerminska, MS
Brigham and Women's Hospital
APEx Surveyor
Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, FASTRO< it is important to have someone lead the process. It can be a physicist or a dosimetrist, a therapist or a physician or a nurse, any number of individuals can figure it out, but you need to work out what’s the best approach and person at your organization to coordinate. We’re fortunate at Jefferson because we have many people who feel strongly about quality and safety.
— Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Jefferson Health

APEx has a more reasonable approach to incident coverage for solo rad onc facilities.

— Program satisfaction survey response

Preparing for the program was time consuming but was instrumental in taking our department to a higher level of quality.

— Program satisfaction survey response

We formed five teams to work on our APEx accreditation, during the process we have evaluated each of the standards and how that impacts our patient care. This helped us to understand the big picture and embrace the safety culture.

— Srinivasan Senthamizhchelv, PhD
CHI Memorial

It may seem overwhelming initially, however, once you start the process it is very straightforward.

— Erdal Gurgoze, PhD
Arizona Oncology

I greatly appreciated the learning from this process and found the process inviting and more empowering than anything else.

— Program satisfaction survey response

The process, though rigorous, was not intimidating. The staff were prompt in responding to questions, encouraging, transparent and helpful.

— Program satisfaction survey response

The process overall has prompted us to take a closer look at our processes and documentation and collaborate as a team to improve our workflows. It has been well worth the time and effort and I feel it's been a very valuable process.

—Program satisfaction survey response

I greatly appreciated the learning from this process and found the process inviting and more empowering than anything else.

—Program satisfaction survey response

It helps practices identify weaknesses prior to the review to optimize care.

—Eric Gressen,
Jefferson Health
Adam Dicker We used APEx to automate some processes and also develop templates to assist. But we still think things could be better, and we still have manual processes and other areas in general where we could improve, but in general we are happy with where we’re at. We modified and improved and that helps with giving us more time with patients which is important.
— Adam Dicker, MD, PhD, FASTRO
Jefferson Health

Going through the process helps to evaluate safety standards and form strong teamwork.

—Srinivasan Senthamizhchelv, PhD
CHI Memorial

I never thought I or anyone would ever say I enjoyed that site survey. However, I really enjoyed the survey experience. I look forward to continuing to give the best patient care and treatments because I know that APEx helped us do it even better than we were before. Thank you!

— Program satisfaction survey response

Makes the facility aware of shortcomings and areas of improvement. Brings the rad onc team together to work improving aspects of the department.

—Program satisfaction survey response

The process allowed us a vehicle to make changes and additions that we knew were needed and may not have had buy-in from some in the organization otherwise. Many changes were made before the Self-Assessment, but this part of the process identified areas of weakness. Clear verification of transmittal of notes to outside providers was needed. Further clear documentation of time out upon data transmission from CT to TPS. Clarification of need for reporting in incident learning system when time out missed. Specific wording on several P&P documents were made. Rework/relaunch patient satisfaction survey to recover a higher response rate and get more relevant results.

—Program satisfaction survey response

I think the process of doing the self-evaluation before the on-site review was very helpful and allowed us to improve throughout the process. We also implemented some feedback given during the facility visit as well.

—Program satisfaction survey response


of respondents indicated that improving safety processes and quality management were the main reasons for seeking APEx accreditation.


of respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with the overall accreditation process.


of respondents reported being likely to recommend APEx to a colleague.


of respondents implemented at least one new quality improvement initiative after completing APEx.


of respondents were satisfied with the customer service they received from ASTRO staff.
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