Mentorship Award
Congratulations to the 2024 ASTRO Mentorship Awardees

The ASTRO Mentorship Awards recognize extraordinary role models in radiation oncology who have excelled as mentors by demonstrating outstanding commitment to the professional development of their mentees as clinicians, educators and researchers. The awards seek to recognize and promote the work of mentors in radiation oncology. Mentors play a critical role in the development of the next generation of radiation oncologists and radiation scientists. The Mentorship Awards signal the commitment of ASTRO to fostering the careers of the next generation of radiation oncology professionals by recognizing individuals who have dedicated their time, energy and expertise to advance the careers of others.
Award winners will receive the following recognition and benefits:
- Recognition at the ASTRO Awards Ceremony during the ASTRO Annual Meeting
- Award Plaque
- Complimentary ASTRO Annual Meeting Registration
- Invitation to the President’s Reception during the ASTRO Annual Meeting
Nomination Requirements
Nominations must be submitted by a colleague or mentee with personal knowledge of the nominee’s mentoring activities. Both the lead nominator and those providing letters of support must be ASTRO members.
Eligibility Criteria for Nominees
- Must be an ASTRO member at the time of nomination submission
- Must have had a record of sustained mentoring of multiple individuals over time
- Must NOT be currently serving on the Board of Directors
Nomination Due Date
The nomination deadline for the 2025 award cycle is Friday, March 21, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Nomination Process
Below is a list of required documents (pdf format) to be submitted by email to the mentorship award committee by the nomination deadline. Incomplete nomination packages will not be considered for review.
- Nominee’s NIH-style Biosketch
- List of nominee’s primary mentees, including name, position during mentorship period, years of mentorship, current position and role of mentor
- In addition to the letter of nomination, a minimum of two and maximum of four letters of recommendation from mentees of the nominee over the past 20 years. Letters must be dated and signed (two-page limit per letter). The letter should explain the qualities the mentor exhibited and the impact on the mentee’s academic and/or professional development.
The nomination requires providing answers to the following questions within the letters of recommendation:
- What has the nominee done to guide, support and promote training and development of their mentees?
- What distinguishes the nominee from other outstanding mentors?
Renomination is allowed. If a nominator who nominated any candidate(s) in the previous year wishes to renominate the same candidate(s), the nominator can email the mentorship award committee by the nomination deadline to indicate the interest in renomination. A renomination email should include the following in the Subject line: [2025 ASTRO Mentorship Award – Renomination by {Nominator’s First Name + Last Name} for {Candidate’s First Name + Last Name}]. In the renomination package, the nominee’s NIH-style Biosketch and the letters of recommendation can be identical as were submitted in the previous year, but the list of nominee’s mentees should be updated.
Number of Awards and Selection Criteria
Nominations will be evaluated based on the overall strength of the nomination and on how the nominee exemplified elements including, but not limited to:
- Concern and support for mentees career development
- Exhibiting positive role modeling
- Offering professional guidance
- Supporting career growth and development
- Demonstrating a long-term commitment to mentorship
- Impact of mentees on the field
Questions? Email Mentorship Awards.