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ASTRO 2024 election results

Congratulations to the following newly elected members of ASTRO's Board of Directors. The new officers' terms will begin on October 1, 2024, at the 2024 Annual Meeting.





Neha Vapiwala, MD, FASTRO

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Policy Statement

I am truly honored to be nominated for the role of ASTRO President. This position offers what I consider to be a unique opportunity – if not obligation – to engage deeply with our diverse membership, to solicit varying stakeholder perspectives, and to encourage conversations on a broad range of issues. In doing so, my goal is to harness our society’s collective dedication to supporting our patients during their most vulnerable moments, fostering a more united and resilient future for our specialty.

Since I first joined ASTRO as a resident through my recent service as a member of the Board, the society has been integral to my professional growth, offering an environment in which to learn from and learn alongside remarkable colleagues. ASTRO has provided an opportunity for me to help design, implement and spearhead initiatives that matter to our workforce, trainees and patients. The success of these wide-ranging initiatives has been possible through meaningful collaborations with a similarly broad range of professionals, including academic and community practice clinicians, medical physicists, biologists, administrators and trainees. I’ve dedicated effort towards developing clinical guidelines, testing new treatment approaches through high-quality research, and tackling crucial workforce-related matters that I believe many ASTRO members care about deeply. I am particularly proud of my contributions as Chair of the ACGME Residency Review Committee, enhancing existing accreditation standards and instituting new ones – such as minimum case log requirements for a broader range of cancers – for the benefit of our trainees and ultimately our field. Contributing to the creation of ASTRO’s Strategic Plan in 2022, several aspects of which I discuss below, was also a particularly rewarding experience. I am enthusiastic about the potential of this Strategic Plan, fully appreciating that the trust and support of all ASTRO members will be vital for its execution, and for ASTRO to realize its stated commitment to compassionate, accessible and inclusive oncologic care.

Throughout my career, I have collected invaluable insights on the evolving needs and priorities of the larger radiation oncology community. Collaboration with colleagues from other specialties and societies has also provided me with a deeper understanding of how our field is viewed “from the outside,” views that could have an insidious impact on our future if not thoughtfully addressed. I see a crucial need to bridge divides and fill knowledge gaps by acknowledging and navigating differing viewpoints between and among radiation oncologists, patients, the lay public, policymakers and our non-radiation oncology colleagues. If elected, our members can be certain that I will work hard to correct pervasive misconceptions about our field and to better communicate the importance of radiotherapy as the ultimate high-value, high-tech, high-touch personalized cancer therapy. Given the extent to which many of our colleagues and patients are often unaware of the potential benefits and relatively minimal risks of radiotherapy, I consider timely and effective messaging on our role in quality patient care to be a top priority – and responsibility – for ASTRO.

At the same time, I am keenly aware of several complex issues that our field is currently navigating: (1) economic challenges impacting the viability of academic and community practices, (2) provider wellness, (3) patient care access and quality, (4) the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence, and (5) ongoing discussions about our specialty’s scope of practice. These challenges are set against a backdrop of shortfalls in global radiotherapy access, presenting an opportunity to alleviate significant suffering and save lives. I believe it is possible and necessary to address these issues through conversations that are inclusive of different viewpoints, supported by high-quality data, and implemented through innovative solutions that previously may not have been considered.

From my perspective, there is much to be excited about for our field. We are gaining more insights into the biology of tumors and interplay of radiation therapy with the immune system. Our technologies continue to advance in sophistication and be more available in developing countries than ever before. Evidence across various cancer types has renewed the promise that radiotherapy can help patients with metastatic disease live better and longer lives, broadening our patient reach. In fact, this renewed opportunity has inspired me to design and lead a phase III randomized clinical trial (EA8191: “INDICATE”) as principal investigator, aiming to identify even more indications for radiotherapy in patients with recurrent and/or metastatic prostate cancer. ASTRO’s continued investment in both scientific discovery and health policy strategy are necessary to provide radiation oncologists with both the evidence and the resources, respectively, to expand our clinical contributions. From complementing minimally invasive surgeries to consolidating a growing array of systemic therapies, we must leverage the full potential of radiotherapy in our shared goal of improving patient outcomes.

As ASTRO’s next President, I will advocate for the interests of all stakeholders, recognizing the evolving scope of our practice and the importance of protecting it. I will use the knowledge and connections I have built throughout my career, and the resources available to ASTRO, to lead our future collaboratively and successfully. The implementation of ASTRO’s Strategic Plan has been designed to move us into an even brighter future, yet it will require an engaged and empowered radiation oncology community that can rally around its initiatives. Together, we can continue to demonstrate what effective, compassionate, innovative, and accessible cancer care looks like, as this is our specialty’s ultimate strength.



  • MD, University of Pennsylvania, 2001
  • BA, Johns Hopkins University (Biology and Hispanic Studies), 1994-1997


  • Chief Resident, Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2005-2006
  • Assistant Chief Resident, Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2004-2005
  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2002-2006
  • Intern, Internal Medicine, Albert Einstein Medical Center, 2001-2002


  • Professor of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania
  • Dean of Admissions, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 2019 – present
  • Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 2017-2019
  • Advisory Dean, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, 2012-2017


  • Co-Lead, Service Liaison, Genitourinary Service, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2017 – present
  • Vice Chair, Education, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2013 –present
  • Chief, GU Service, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2011-2014
  • Program Director, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, 2006-2014


  • Member, CEO Search Committee, 2024
  • Secretary/Treasurer, Board of Directors, 2019-2023
  • Chair, Finance/Audit Committee, 2020-2023
  • Ex-officio Member, Membership Committee, 2020-2022&
  • Immediate Past-President, President, and Vice President, Association of Directors of Radiation Oncology Programs (ADROP), 2013-2019
  • Chair, GU Resource Panel, 2018 – present
  • Member, GU Resource Panel, 2016 – present
  • Member, Workforce Subcommittee, 2018 – present
  • Member, International Education Subcommittee, 2016 – present
  • Member, GU Committee, Scientific Program Committee, 2008-2016
  • Member, Education Committee, Education Council, 2007-2011, 2018 – present
  • Member, Speaker’s Bureau, 2018 – present


  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
    • Chair, Residency Review Committee, 2019-2022
    • Member and Vice Chair, Residency Review Committee, 2016-2019
  • American Board of Radiology (ABR)
    • Member, GU Cancer Exam Committee, 2015-present
    • Member, Initial Board Certification Advisory Committee, 2011-2016
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
    • Nominating Committee, 2023 – present
    • Editorial Board, ASCO Education, 2016 – present
    • Co-Chair, Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Guideline
    • Endorsement Panel, 2016-2017
    • Member, Taxonomy Committee, 2016
    • Track Leader, Scientific Program Committee, 2015-2016 and 2022-2023
    • Member, Scientific Program and Education Committees, 2013-2016 and 2019-2023
    • Member, Cancer Education Committee, 2015-2016
    • Member, Cancer Support Community Working Group, 2015 – present
    • Member, GU Maintenance of Certification Committee, 2013-2015
  • American College of Radiology (ACR)
    • Member, Commission on Radiation Oncology Education Committee, 2012 – present
    • GU Panel Member, Appropriateness Criteria for Radiation Oncology, 2012-2018
  • American Radium Society (ARS)
    • Chair, Scientific Program, Annual Meeting, 2021-2022
    • GU Panel Member, Appropriateness Criteria for Radiation Oncology, 2019 – present
  • Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO)
    • Faculty Advisor, 2019
  • JAMA Oncology
    • Member, Editorial Board, 2018 – present
  • Journal of Clinical Oncology
    • Member, Editorial Board, 2020-2023
  • National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN)
    • Co-Chair, Early Modality, GU Committee, ECOG-ACRIN
    • Member, GU Committee, NRG
  • National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
    • Member, Prostate Cancer Early Detection Committee, 2019 – present
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    • Member, Prostate Cancer Task Force, 2016 – present


Neha Vapiwala, MD, FACR, FASCO, FASTRO, is a Professor and Vice-Chair in the Department of Radiation Oncology and the Dean of Admissions at the Perelman School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania (Penn).

After immigrating to the United States as an elementary school student, Dr. Vapiwala made her way to Johns Hopkins University, where she completed an undergraduate degree in three years, majoring in Biology and Hispanic Studies. She utilized her early graduation to teach high school science and math, which formalized her lifelong passion for education and mentorship. She then pursued her medical education and training at Penn as a Twenty-First Century Scholar in the School of Medicine, and later as Chief Resident in the Department of Radiation Oncology.

Upon completing her residency, Dr. Vapiwala joined the faculty and served immediately as Residency Program Director of Penn’s Department of Radiation Oncology. She is a recipient of two Giulio J. D’Angio Teaching Awards and was inducted into the Academy of Master Clinicians, the highest institutional honor bestowed upon physicians. Subsequent promotions at Penn included appointments to Chief of the Genitourinary (GU) Cancer Service, Vice-Chair of Education, and ultimately Dean of Admissions of the medical school.

Dr. Vapiwala has been a champion of important interdisciplinary collaborations throughout her career, leading initiatives that explore the evolving role of radiation oncologists as integral members of the oncology care team. She has also chaired multiple committees that foster partnerships between radiation, medical and surgical oncologists. She has served the specialty of radiation oncology in various forums, including the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education, recently completing her term as Chair of the Residency Review Committee. In 2019, Dr. Vapiwala and her radiation oncologist-husband, John Plastaras, MD, PhD, were co-recipients of the Headstrong Foundation Achievement Award. Dr. Vapiwala was also recognized as a Fellow of ASTRO in 2021 and Fellow of American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in 2023. On the research front, she is the principal investigator of multiple investigator-, industry- and cooperative group-led clinical trials primarily focused on multidisciplinary cancer management, novel imaging methods, and biological as well as technical approaches for improving the radio-therapeutic index. She has directed several international oncology education courses and published extensively on a range of topics affecting clinical practice, medical training and the physician workforce. Dr. Vapiwala is an editor of two recently published textbooks on radiation oncology career development and palliative care, respectively.

From 2019-2023, Dr. Vapiwala served on the ASTRO Board as Secretary/Treasurer and Chair of the ASTRO Finance/Audit Committee, working very closely with ASTRO staff and faculty committee members to successfully navigate the tumultuous pandemic era. Under her guidance, the team’s strategic leadership played a pivotal role in maintaining ASTRO's healthy financial position during a time when many other professional societies and organizations experienced significant weakening. In parallel, she continued to advocate for important ASTRO Board initiatives related to radiation oncology workforce analysis, trainee resource expansion and early career member engagement.

Dr. Vapiwala’s passion for learning from and collaborating with mentors, peers and trainees from a variety of backgrounds, practice settings, and perspectives is a critical source of motivation and satisfaction in her career, as are her incredibly supportive life partner and their three children, who together put even the toughest day at work into amazing perspective.



Clinical Affairs and Quality Council Vice-chair


Jean Wright, MD, FASTRO

Johns Hopkins University
Policy Statement

I am so honored to be considered for a position on the ASTRO Board representing the Clinical Affairs and Quality Council (CAQC). My pathway to this opportunity began as a surveyor for the ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx), and I have learned so much about how ASTRO can serve the radiation oncology community through my experience as a Practice Accreditation Subcommittee member and Co-Chair, and subsequently through my work leading the CACQ.

The ASTRO Mission identifies the delivery of high-quality care, cultivating a diverse workforce, education, research and policy development/advocacy as key priorities, and lays out seven goals to advance the mission. The CAQC has tremendous impact on these goals through its subcommittees including Guidelines, Practice Accreditation and Multidisciplinary Quality Assurance (which produces ASTRO Safety White Papers), and also through its liaison activities. These include the Radiation Oncology Health Advisory Committee (ROHAC) which oversees the national incident learning system (RO-ILS), as well as other accrediting bodies in oncology and informatics initiatives that aim to facilitate communication and streamline radiation oncology workflows. Through this work, CAQC touches all aspects of the field of radiation oncology, with the greatest potential to impact four of ASTRO’s seven strategic goals:  to cultivate fuller engagement with the radiation oncology community, to foster a diverse workforce and improve access to equitable care, to drive high quality care, and to showcase the patient benefits of radiation therapy.

The work of CAQC to oversee the development of relevant, accessible and comprehensive guidelines and safety white papers is critical to the goals of driving high quality care and engaging with the radiation oncology community. These products are also critical to showcasing the benefits of radiotherapy and informing patients and other members of the oncology care team about these benefits. CAQC has placed increasing emphasis on ensuring that their work product is both contributed to by diverse members from a spectrum of demographic, geographic and practice environment backgrounds, and applicable to the full spectrum of patients and treatment environments that are represented by our membership.

I am very proud to have been a part of this work over the past 10+ years, and have come to appreciate the tremendous resource that ASTRO is and will continue to be for our field. As a proposed Board member representing the CAQC, I commit to working hard to further ASTRO’s goals and to continue developing the necessary infrastructure to support the delivery of high-quality radiotherapy. The importance of quality assurance and improvement will grow as radiotherapy treatments become more complex, as indications for radiotherapy evolve and expand into new areas, and as we transition to a greater reliance on alternative intelligence for technical aspects of our care. I am excited about the future of our field and would be honored to be a part of ASTRO’s Board as we navigate this complex and exciting future.



  • MD, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 2003
  • BA, Biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, 1995


  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, 2004-2008
  • Internship, Internal Medicine, Yale University Greenwich Hospital, Greenwich, Connecticut, 2003-2004


  • Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, 2014 –present
  • Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Miami, Miami, 2008-2013


  • Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, 2014 – present
  • Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, 2014 – present
  • Sibley Memorial Hospital, Washington, Washington, DC, 2014 – present
  • Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, 2008-2013
  • University of Hospital, Miami, 2008-2013


  • Chair, Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee, 2022-2024
  • Vice-chair, Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee, 2020-2022
  • Immediate Past Chair, Practice Accreditation Subcommittee, 2020-2023
  • Co-Chair, Practice Accreditation Subcommittee, 2018-2020
  • Member, Annual Meeting Education Committee, 2018-2024
  • ASTRO Representative, National Association for Programs in Breast Cancer (NAPBC), 2018-2021
  • Member, Practice Accreditation Subcommittee, 2016-2018
  • Member, Breast Resource Panel, 2015-2019
  • Surveyor, ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx), 2014 – present
  • Member, Annual Meeting Breast Track, 2013-2017, 2021-2024


  • Member, Locoregional Working group, BIG-NCTN Annual Meeting, 2023
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
    • Breast Cancer Guideline Advisory Group, 2019-2023
    • Quality Symposium Meeting Planning Committee 2020-2022
  • Member, Breast Oncology Local Disease (BOLD) Task Force, ECOG-ACRIN Representative, 2017 – present
  • Member, ECOG-ACRIN Breast Committee, 2015 – present
  • Member, Translational Breast Cancer Research Consortium Locoregional Working Group, 2015 – present
  • American Radium Society Annual Meeting Scientific Program Committee, 2015, 2022-2024
  • Radiological Society of North America
    • Member, Oncologic Imaging and Therapies Task Force, 2014-2017


Jean L. Wright is currently Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at Johns Hopkins University, and serves as the Director of the Breast Radiation Oncology Program, as well as the Vice Chair for Safety and Quality for the department of radiation oncology. After completing medical school at Columbia University and radiation oncology residency at Memorial Sloan-Kettering, she was on the faculty at the University of Miami for six years. She joined Johns Hopkins in 2014, and will become Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of North Carolina in August 2024. Dr. Wright specializes in radiation treatment for breast cancer. She is breast section editor of the International Journal of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics, a member of the American Board of Radiology Breast Committee and the Breast Oncology Local Disease (BOLD) Task Force, and has volunteered extensively for ASTRO, most recently as Chair of the Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee.



Education Council Vice-chair


Andrea Ng, MD, MPH, FASTRO

Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Care Center, Boston
Policy Statement

I am dedicated to advancing education within ASTRO and in radiation oncology, recognizing it as the cornerstone of progress in our field. Education not only fosters personal and professional growth but also ensures that we stay up-to-date with the most recent advancement as well as ongoing development. Importantly, the collaborative sharing of new discoveries and dissemination of new knowledge will ultimately lead to improved patient care and enhance the lives of those we serve.

I believe that our policy and program initiatives should encompass several key areas to further our educational efforts. Particular emphasis should be put on continually updating and reshaping our educational content to meet the evolving needs of ASTRO members. Achieving this necessitates integrating the latest relevant scientific discoveries, actively soliciting and incorporating membership feedback, and forging strategic partnerships with organizations such as ADROP, ARRO and ABR to identify and address knowledge gaps in our educational programs.

Another pivotal focus area involves recognizing and nurturing excellence in research and leadership within our community. This entails expanding award programs, diversifying funding sources and expanding mentorship opportunities. Additionally, maintaining ongoing dialogues with lead investigators and national and international cooperative trial groups is imperative to proactively attract robust, groundbreaking and practice-changing research to be presented at our Annual Meetings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of innovative approaches to education delivery. While hybrid options have expanded audience reach, the value of in-person interactions, particularly for networking and mentorship, remains irreplaceable. Additionally, developing and embracing novel educational tools that encourage audience engagement and stimulate lively, productive exchanges can cultivate a collegial, respectful and open-minded learning environment.

To ensure the future growth of our profession, we must empower the numerous talented early-career colleagues from diverse backgrounds to lead educational activities, leveraging their varied strengths, experience and skills to enrich our educational endeavors with different perspectives. Furthermore, it is critical to intensify efforts to attract top students to radiation oncology. Finally, active engagement of the broader public and policymakers, informing them about the exciting innovations within our specialty through creative community engagement and communication, is vital for promoting our specialty.

Collectively, we have the power to enhance the field of radiation oncology, advocate for best practices, cultivate inclusivity, and ensure the delivery of effective, safe and efficient patient care. I am wholeheartedly devoted to serving ASTRO, my fellow colleagues and our patients with steadfast dedication and integrity.



  • MPH, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, 1998
  • MD, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1994
  • BS, Molecular Genetics (Summa Cum Laude), University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, 1990


  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Boston, 1995-1999
  • Internship, Internal Medicine, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, 1994-1995 


  • Professor, Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 2015 – present
  • Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 2007-2015
  • Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 2001-2006
  • Instructor, Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, 1999-2001


  • Director of Hematologic Malignancy, Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center, 2023 – present
  • Vice-chair of Faculty Promotion and Advancement, Radiation Oncology, Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center, 2022 – present
  • BWH Distinguished Chair in Clinical Radiation Oncology, 2022 – present
  • Radiation Oncology Disease Site Leader, Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center, 2016-2023
  • Attending Physician, Radiation Oncology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 1999 – present


  • Chair, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee, 2020-2023
  • Vice-chair, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee, 2017-2020
  • Chair, Best of ASTRO, 2014-2016
  • Vice-chair, Best of ASTRO, 2012-2014
  • Member, Annual Meeting Steering Committee, 2011-2013, 2014-2016, 2017-2023
  • Chair, Annual Meeting Education Committee, 2011-2013
  • Vice-chair, Annual Meeting Education Committee, 2010-2011
  • Member, Annual Meeting Education Sessions Subcommittee, 2008-2014
  • Member, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee, 2005-2010
  • Member, Health Services Research Committee, 2003-2004


  • American Board of Radiology
    • Governor, 2023 – present 
    • Chair, Professionalism Committee, 2023 – present
    • Chair, Online Longitudinal Assessment Committee, 2020-2023
    • Chair, Initial Certification Advisory Committee, 2019-2023
    • Trustee, 2018-2023
    • Oral Boards Category Chair, Lymphoma/Leukemia 2008-2017
    • Oral Boards Examiner, Lymphoma/Leukemia, 2005-2006 and 2008 – present
  • International Lymphoma Radiation Oncology Group
    • Member, Steering Committee, 2011 – present
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology
    • Member, Cancer Survivorship Committee, 2013-2016
    • Member, ASCO Cancer Survivorship Guideline Expert Panel, 2005-2009
  • American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria 
    • Chair, Hodgkin Lymphoma Workgroup Expert Panel, 2007-2010
    • Vice-chair, Hodgkin Lymphoma Workgroup Expert Panel, 2005-2007
    • Member, Bone Metastasis Work Group Expert Panel, 2006-2009
    • Member, Hodgkin Lymphoma Workgroup Expert Panel, 2004-2012


My clinical and academic areas of focus are in advancing novel radiation techniques and integrating radiation therapy with contemporary systemic therapy in the management of patients with hematologic malignancies. I have also contributed to refining and optimizing post-treatment monitoring strategies for lymphoma survivors. In the realm of education, I actively engage in mentoring and teaching trainees and faculty within my institution, as well as sharing insights and expertise through lectures delivered at various external institutions, and at national and international conferences. I have held leadership roles within professional organizations, where I have overseen educational and scientific programs, contributed to the board certification process, and played a pivotal role in guideline development on management of cancer survivors and radiotherapy applications in hematology oncology. On the administrative front, I lead initiatives geared toward fostering the professional growth and advancement of faculty members within my department and institution.



Government Relations Council Vice-chair


Christopher Corso, MD, PhD

SERO, Charlotte, North Carolina
Policy Statement

As a radiation oncologist at SERO and the current Chair of the ASTRO Government Relations Committee, ASTRO's Strategic Plan would serve as both a compass and a source of inspiration for my leadership as an ASTRO Board Member. ASTRO's focus on promoting equitable, high-quality care for cancer patients, cultivating a diverse workforce, fostering research and innovation, and leading policy development including payment reform and advocacy, mirrors my aspirations for our field. Additionally, I eagerly anticipate contributing a private practice perspective to the ASTRO Board.

An important and timely aspect of the ASTRO Strategic Plan is its emphasis on policy advocacy. My position as Chair of the Government Relations Committee has afforded me insight into the regulatory challenges our field faces, especially concerning payment reform and supervision rules. ASTRO's plan offers a strategic approach to influencing policies affecting radiation oncology. As an ASTRO Board Member, I aim to leverage ASTRO's influence at a national level to advocate for policies that advance the interests of both patients and practitioners regardless of practice environment.

Additionally, ASTRO's commitment to fostering diversity and improving access to care deeply resonates with me. I believe diversity drives innovation in our field. ASTRO's Plan outlines concrete steps to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, ensuring all members of our community feel valued and supported. As a Board Member, I will champion initiatives that will help to create a more inclusive environment in radiation oncology.

The focus on enhancing research and innovation is another aspect of the Strategic Plan that excites me. While I am not an academic radiation oncologist, my background as an MD/PhD with strong research experience has provided me with insight into both the clinical and translational aspects of our field. I am passionate about helping to enable those in our field who are actively advancing the science and innovation of radiation oncology and I am motivated by ASTRO's goals to help grow indications for radiation oncology within patient care. I am committed to fostering industry collaboration and advocating for groundbreaking research initiatives as an ASTRO Board Member.



  • MD, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, 2012
  • PhD, Bioengineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2008
  • BS, Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 2004


  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut, 2013-2017
  • Internship, Preliminary Medicine, Yale New Haven Hospital, New Haven, Connecticut, 2012-2013 


  • Radiation Oncologist, SERO, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2017 – present
  • Department of Radiation Oncology, Atrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute, Pineville, North Carolina, 2020 – present
  • Department of Radiation Oncology, Atrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute, Shelby, North Carolina, 2018-2020


  • Chair, Government Relations Committee, 2022 – present
  • Member, ASTRO PAC Board, 2022 – present
  • Vice-Chair, Government Relations Committee, 2020-2022
  • Member, Mega Issue Working Group, 2020
  • Member, Government Relations Committee, 2019-2020
  • Member, ASTRO Rural Task Force, 2019-2020


I am a radiation oncologist at the Levine Cancer Institute within the Atrium Health system and a member of SERO which is a large private group based out of Charlotte, North Carolina. My current clinical role is as the medical director at a satellite practice of the Levine Cancer Institute in Pineville, North Carolina. Prior to joining SERO in 2017, I was a resident at Yale in Therapeutic Radiology. I have served for several years in various capacities on the ASTRO Government Relations Committee including as the Vice-chair and now as the current Chair of the committee.



HEDI Council Vice-chair


Malika Siker, MD, FASTRO

Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Policy Statement

In 2022, ASTRO formally established the Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) Council to advance HEDI principles throughout our organization and field to improve the health of our communities. From patient care to research to advocacy to education, the work of the HEDI Council seeks to advance a culture of inclusion where all members of our teams can thrive, develop a workforce the reflects the communities we serve and support innovative approaches to achieve health equity, particularly in historically marginalized communities.

Since the founding of HEDI Council, the value of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) has come under increased political scrutiny. From the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision regarding race-conscious admissions to demonstrations across campuses spurring discussions on freedom of expression, we are in the midst of a tumultuous time. As Associate Dean for Student Inclusion and Diversity at Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), I have engaged with countless students, educators and leaders around these topics in different environments. I have learned that while most people see value in the fundamental concepts that underpin “DEI,” the disagreement lies in how advancing these concepts is operationalized.

It is important to remember that diversity includes many dimensions including age, geography, nationality, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, practice type, religion/belief, thought, ability and beyond. Advancing equity, as it pertains to health care, seeks to use data-driven strategic approaches to ensure that patients have the opportunity to reach the best health outcome regardless of their zip code. Through advancing inclusion, we aim to develop a workforce that attracts and nurtures empathetic and brilliant biomedical professionals from all walks of life who feel a sense of belonging within our field.

While we address these critical discussions in our personal and professional lives, the Board of Directors is responsible for defining ASTRO’s role and response. ASTRO’s Strategic Plan provides a clear vision and mission for the future as well as goals and objectives to achieve them. Throughout the Strategic Plan, the tenets of DEI strengthen every goal. Although the HEDI Council is responsible for developing a framework for many of these objectives, it is not the HEDI Council’s task alone, just as Science and Education are not the sole purview of just one Council.

As a field, we continue to face evolving challenges around critical issues including reimbursement, rising costs, workforce shortages, burnout and more. Through discussions with colleagues in person and on social media, many in our community feel isolated, unheard and undervalued. With this lens, DEI has never been more important to bring our community together, providing spaces where all our members can contribute their thoughts and ideas. With unprecedented external pressures, we are stronger when we are united. As a member of the Board of Directors, I will help ASTRO lead to ensure that radiation oncology is a field where we can all flourish by providing state of the art, compassionate, culturally-responsive patient-centered care, engaging in transformative research and delivering high value education for the workforce of tomorrow.



  • MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, 2001-2006
  • BS, French (with Honors), University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1997-2001


  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2007-2011
  • Internship, Transitional Year, West Suburban Medical Center, Chicago, 2006-2007


  • Professor, Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2024 – present
  • Associate Dean for Student Inclusion and Diversity, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2019 – present
  • Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2018-2024
  • Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2012-2018
  • Instructor, Radiation Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2011-2012    


  • Consulting Staff, Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee, 2011 – present
  • Consulting Staff, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2011 – present
  • Consulting Staff, Community Memorial Hospital, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, 2011 – present
  • Consulting Staff, St Joseph’s Hospital, West Bend, Wisconsin, 2011 – present
  • Consulting Staff, Clement J Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, 2011-2018
  • Courtesy Staff, United Hospital System – Kenosha Medical Center, Kenosha, Wisconsin, 2011-2015


  • Chair, Steering Committee for the Council for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 2022-2024
  • Chair, Congressional Relations Subcommittee, 2021-2024
  • Associate Editor, Advances in Radiation Oncology, 2018-2024
  • Member, Government Relations Committee, 2018-2024
  • Member, ROI Development Committee, 2017-2024
  • Member, State Captain Initiative, 2018-2024
  • Chair, Annual Meeting Education Track – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Health Care, 2020-2023
  • Chair, Annual Meeting Scientific Track – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Health Care, 2020-2023
  • Member, Annual Meeting Education Committee, 2020-2023
  • Member, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee, 2020-2023
  • Chair, Committee for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 2019-2022
  • Vice-chair, Congressional Relations Subcommittee, 2020-2021
  • Chair, ROI Communications Subcommittee, 2016-2020
  • Member, NRC Subcommittee, 2018-2020
  • Member, Annual Meeting Track – Professional Development and Education, 2018-2020
  • Member, CME/MOC Committee, 2014-2020
  • Member, Congressional Relations Subcommittee, 2018-2020
  • Member, FDA Subcommittee, 2018-2020
  • Member, Rural Task Force, 2018-2020
  • Member, Annual Meeting Track – HSR/Global Oncology, 2016-2019
  • Member, Communications Committee, 2013-2019
  • Vice-chair, Committee for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 2016-2019
  • Member, Speakers Bureau for ASTRO, 2018-2019
  • Member, Committee for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 2013-2016
  • Member, ROI Marketing & Communications Committee, 2012-2013


  • American Board of Radiology
    • Member, Lymphoma Education Committee, 2018 – present
    • Oral Boards Examiner, 2020 – present
  • MCW Cancer Center
    • Academic Vice Chair, Community Advisory Board, 2019-2021


Malika Siker, MD, is a Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Associate Dean for Student Inclusion and Diversity at Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) in Milwaukee. In her clinical role, she specializes in the treatment of hematologic and CNS malignancies at Froedtert Hospital, a large tertiary academic medical center serving Southeast Wisconsin. In her administrative role, she oversees the MCW Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity (OSID) whose vision is to advance inclusion and belonging for all learners and provide support and opportunity for future health science professionals to improve health equity. Through these efforts, she leads MCW’s flagship pathway and outreach programs which deliver hands-on experiences and guidance for K-12 and college students to attain health science careers and oversees data-driven strategies to ensure the learning environment is a place where all students can thrive regardless of background. In her research role, she investigates the impact of workforce diversity, inclusive educational spaces and initiatives to advance health equity and cancer care in addition to research activities related to her clinical interests. As an educator and advocate, she is engaged with efforts at the local, regional and national level to promote the field of radiation oncology and health science careers. Through ASTRO, she has held multiple leadership roles within the Councils for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Government Relations. In recognition of the impact of her work, she has been awarded the Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award from the Arnold Gold Foundation, Milwaukee Business Journal 40 Under 40 and Power Broker, and membership in the Beta Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society at MCW. She serves on the Board of Directors of multiple non-profit organizations including Kathy’s House, Radio Milwaukee and the MCW/Marquette Alumni Association. She lives in Brookfield, Wisconsin, with her husband and three children where she enjoys watching youth sports (ice hockey and soccer), vinyasa yoga and doing crossword puzzles.



Nominating Committee - Academic Physician



Cliff Robinson, MD, FASTRO

Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis
Policy Statement

ASTRO’s strategic plan is broad and ambitious, touching on the many needs for radiation oncology to advance as a specialty through patient care, the workforce, research and innovation, and advocacy. To succeed on any of these fronts, it is critical that leadership on the ASTRO Board must embrace the diversity of thought and backgrounds of our membership. In light of the changing landscape of our discipline as we navigate seismic shifts in consolidation of practices, challenges in providing quality care across the spectrum of urban and rural regions, and pervasive existential threats to reimbursement threatening some, the ability of leadership to understand and react to these changes is imperative.

Such is the charge of the Nominating Committee. Working alongside existing leadership and volunteers from academic and community practices, the Nominating Committee is responsible for presenting a slate of candidates for these open seats on the Board, and in that regard, has a quiet but critical role in shaping future ASTRO leadership and its priorities.

As a practicing academic radiation oncologist, I have been fortunate to have many opportunities to engage with ASTRO membership through my own volunteerism. A history of my own career is illustrated by the opportunities I’ve had to review, present, speak or moderate at Annual Meetings. Furthermore, I’ve also engaged as an Associate Editor for ASTRO journals, as a member on multiple subcommittees, and now as a Vice-chair of the Non-malignant Track. This last year, I dipped my toes into the formal ASTRO mentorship program and have found this extremely rewarding. My engagement with ASTRO over the last decade and a half has taught me how to navigate the bureaucracy that inherently comes with large organizations, provided me inroads to help shape policy, and allowed me to embrace the pursuit of open, honest, and sometimes challenging communications with colleagues who often have widely disparate and valuable views.

If I am fortunate enough to be elected as an academic physician member of the Nominating Committee, I will lean on lessons I’ve learned navigating the organization, keeping core tenets of advancing the field and diversity of thinking at the forefront when helping to select a slate of nominees for Board leadership. Simply stated, I will do my best to help create a Board that represents the rapidly evolving needs of our amazing specialty.



  • MD, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 2004
  • BS, Molecular Biology, University of Pittsburgh, 2000


  • Resident, Radiation Oncology, Cleveland Clinic, 2005-2009
  • Internship, Cleveland Clinic, 2004


  • Professor of Radiation Oncology and Medicine (Cardiology), Washington University, St. Louis, 2020 – Present
  • Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology), Washington University, St. Louis, 2018-2020
  • Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, 2015-2020
  • Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, 2009-2015


  • Memorial Hospital Shiloh, Shiloh, Illinois, 2024 – Present
  • Alton Memorial Hospital, Alton, Illinois, 2013 – Present
  • Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital, Saint Peters, Missouri, 2010 – Present
  • Christian Hospital Northeast, St. Louis, 2010 – Present
  • Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, 2009 – Present
  • Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital, Creve Coeur, Missouri, 2009 – Present


  • Member, Annual Meeting Track – Lung Cancer/Thoracic, 2015-2024
  • Vice-chair, Annual Meeting Track – Non-malignant, 2023 – Present
  • Member, Annual Meeting Track – Non-malignant, 2020-2022
  • Associate Editor, Red Journal Editorial Board, 2018-2022
  • Associate Editor, Advances in Radiation Oncology Editorial Board, 2018-2019
  • Ex officio, Lung VA Measure Panel, 2016-2017
  • Member, Guidelines Subcommittee, 2015-2017
  • Member, Best Practices Subcommittee, 2012-2015


  • American Board of Radiology (ABR)
    • Chair, Thoracic/Sarcoma, 2024 – Present
    • Examiner, Thoracic/Sarcoma, 2017 – Present
  • NRG Oncology
    • Member, RTOG Foundation Membership Committee, 2022 – Present
    • Member, Lung Cancer Steering Committee, 2009 – Present
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
    • Reviewer, ASCO Management of Stage III NSCLC Guidelines, 2022 – Present
    • Member, NSCLC/SCLC Annual Meeting Review Committee, 2022


I am a Professor of Radiation Oncology and Cardiology at Washington University in St. Louis, where I hold leadership positions overseeing clinical operations, clinical research, and our cardiothoracic and stereotactic radiotherapy programs. My research interests include developing and standardizing advanced radiotherapy technologies and novel drug combinations, promoting and codifying multi-disciplinary care and patient-centered decision making, and developing and testing new indications for radiotherapy. I am PI for the PACIFIC-4 trial examining SBRT with or without immunotherapy for early-stage lung cancer, as well as a multi-center NIH R01 funded trial examining patient-centered decision making for early-stage lung cancer, an NIH U54 center grant exploring tumor microenvironment effects after radiotherapy, and principal consultant for the RADIATE-VT trial comparing SBRT to repeat catheter ablation for patients with high-risk refractory ventricular tachycardia.

In my various roles, I have greatly enjoyed engaging with a wide gamut of trainees and colleagues across the spectrum of disciplines, research focus and experience. In my mentorship and trials capacity, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to actively promote inclusivity of membership within research groups and improving representation of patients on trials. I pride myself on the collaborative relationships I’ve developed across academic and community settings and will plan on bringing this to bear in my capacity as a member of the ASTRO Nominating Committee.



Nominating Committee - Community Practice Physician


Matthew Manning, MD, FASTRO

Cone Health, Greensboro, North Carolina
Policy Statement

ASTRO’s mission and vision statements guide the advancement of radiation oncology. Our Strategic Plan outlines comprehensive goals, including promoting equitable care, enhancing cancer treatment quality, fostering a diverse workforce, supporting research and leading policy development. As a member of the Nominating Committee, I am inspired by these goals to help identify and select leaders who align with these core strategies and possess the expertise to drive them forward.

To achieve these goals, potential candidates' merits should be evaluated through the lens of these objectives. One primary goal is to deepen engagement within the radiation oncology community. Community practice members like me face significant challenges in promoting access to care in underserved urban, suburban and rural areas. It is imperative that our leaders understand and empathize with these challenges. Conversely, ASTRO members need to appreciate the experiences of leaders who have long advocated for our interests with government, other specialties and payers. I would promote open dialogue between leaders and members to collaboratively shape and refine policies, ensuring they reflect the real needs and experiences of our community.

Equal partnership between members and leaders is vital for presenting a unified message to government and industry stakeholders. By leveraging clinical informatics, telehealth and AI tools, ASTRO can educate and cultivate a right-sized workforce capable of eliminating health inequities and advancing personalized medicine. I foresee how these technological advancements will significantly enhance our ability to provide high-quality care and support diverse practice settings.

In the current landscape, it is increasingly challenging for medical societies to elevate their voices and advocate effectively, potentially leading to declining member engagement and relevance. These challenges present an opportunity for ASTRO to align resources with like-minded organizations in the non-profit and corporate sectors. The Nominating Committee should seek leaders with strong ties to other organizations, enabling cross-pollination and integration of external expertise into our initiatives. I have engaged in these tactics in my work for the Association of Cancer Care Centers. This approach promotes multi-organizational collaborative efforts in education and advocacy, strengthening our collective impact.

Beyond selecting leaders, the Nominating Committee should focus on developing future leaders to meet evolving objectives. Expanding and augmenting the Leadership Pathway Program (LPP) is a strategic initiative to rapidly increase the diversity and quality of leadership within our field. LPP alumni, having undergone rigorous training and development, should be given special consideration for committee roles and leadership positions. By widening the pool of effective health care leaders, we can better equip them to execute ASTRO’s strategic vision and address future challenges in radiation oncology.

In conclusion, the Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting the next generation of diverse and enthusiastic leaders who will define ASTRO's future. I will focus on empathy, engagement, collaboration and continuous leadership development to ensure our society remains at the forefront of advancing radiation oncology and improving patient outcomes.



  • MD, Medical College of Virginia, VCU School of Medicine, 1996
  • BS, Chemistry, The College of William and Mary, 1992


  • Medical College of Virginia, Chief Resident, Radiation Oncology, 1999-2001
  • Medical College of Virginia, Resident, Radiation Oncology, 1997-1999
  • Medical College of Virginia, Intern, Internal Medicine, 1996-1997


  • Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, Clinical Assistant Professor, 2001 – current


  • Moses Cone Health System, Privileges, 2001 – current
  • Morehead Memorial Hospital, Consultation Privileges, 2001-2018
  • Randolph Hospital, Consultation Privileges, 2009 – current


  • Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee, 2020-2022
  • State Captain Initiative, 2015 – Present
  • Congressional Relations Subcommittee, 2011-2015
  • Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO), Executive Committee, 1999-2001
  • ACR Resident Physician Section, Executive Committee, 1999-2000


  • American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA)
    • Scientific Program Committee, 2024 – Present
  • Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC)
    • Member, Board of Trustees, 2023 – present
    • Chair, Education Committee, 2022-2023
  • EPIC
    • Radiation Oncology Steering Committee, 2018-2021 
    • Oncology Steering Committee, 2015-2017 


Matt Manning, a dedicated community private practice physician with Piedmont Radiation Oncologists since 2001, is primarily affiliated with Cone Health. From 2007 to 2017, he served as president of his practice and has held key leadership roles, including Medical Director of Radiation Oncology, Medical Director of Stereotactic Radiosurgery, and Systemwide Chief of Oncology until 2021.

Dr. Manning advocates for equitable health care promoting access to cooperative group trials and has extensively studied the community implementation of stereotactic radiosurgery and robotic brachytherapy. He also helped lead the Triad Healthcare Network (THN), a Next Generation Accountable Care Organization, which in 2018 achieved $13.2 million in Medicare cost savings and ranked 5th nationally in quality. His work in reducing oncology costs earned him the Association of Cancer Care Centers (ACCC) Innovator Award in 2016.

As a member of the Greensboro Health Disparities Collaborative, Dr. Manning has completed training with the Racial Equity Institute and co-authored studies to eliminate racial disparities in cancer care, including the ACCURE trial. He was accorded ASTRO Fellowship (FASTRO) in 2019.

Dr. Manning expanded his interests beyond radiation oncology achieving board certification in Clinical Informatics in 2023, and he maintains a global professional network with over 13,000 LinkedIn followers.

Married with three adult daughters, Dr. Manning enjoys playing music, painting and serving as an assistant coach for boys' lacrosse for the Greensboro Day School Bengals, the 2024 North Carolina State Champions. His career and personal life reflect his commitment to advancing radiation oncology and making a positive impact in his community.




Nominating Committee - Physicist



Jean Moran, PhD, FASTRO

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York
Policy Statement

If elected as a member of the Nominating Committee, I would be inspired by ASTRO’s strategic plan to contribute toward identifying candidates with expertise in the goals and objectives of ASTRO’s vision statement of “improving the lives of people with cancer with radiation therapy.” My vision of future ASTRO leaders would be a diverse slate of individuals who have contributed to several of our goals and objectives outlined clearly in our strategic plan. I would expect future ASTRO leaders to have a vision that connects directly to the strategic plan along with a track record in achieving several of the goals in different environments. Given the broad plan scope, there is an opportunity to consider candidates with experience in:

  • leading and improving access to equitable care
  • advancing the practice of radiation oncology through engagement with non-radiation oncology professionals, with patients and outreach to the broader public
  • recruiting, educating, mentoring and sponsoring a diverse and inclusive workforce
  • implementing patient safety and quality initiatives
  • advancing research and innovation within radiation oncology and through collaborations with other organizations
  • policy advocacy with special attention to patient needs and the diversity of practice environment

Since several of the goals to advance ASTRO’s Strategic Goals extend beyond ASTRO service alone, the Nominating Committee would benefit from working with ASTRO HQ to potentially allow members to self-report additional service information via our ASTRO profiles. This would support the nominating committee developing a slate of candidates with ASTRO service and potentially capture those who support the mission of ASTRO through activities which may not be as visible to our broader community such as working toward equity and inclusiveness for patient access and our workforce, advocating on health care policy, inspiring and teaching the next generation of professionals to join our workforce and innovating within our field.

We are fortunate to have many leaders within radiation oncology who could potentially excel as ASTRO leaders. We also benefit from ASTRO’s clear mission and vision statement which I wholeheartedly believe that we can achieve as a community. For example, I point to the prior success of ASTRO’s implementation of the 6-point Target Safely plan to support patient safety which was announced in 2010.

It is an honor to be asked to run for this position. If elected, I would work with other members of the nominating committee to ensure that the candidate slate consists of a balanced group of leaders with complementary skills and expertise who are poised to lead ASTRO in support of our mission to improve the lives of patients with cancer with radiation treatment.



  • PhD, Radiological Health/School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1999
  • BS/MS, Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1992


  • Post-doctoral Associate, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1999-2000


  • Member, Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan Kettering, New York, 2021 – present
  • Clinical Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2016-2021
  • Clinical Associate Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2010-2016
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2008-2010
  • Research Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2005-2008
  • Research Investigator, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2002-2005


  • Vice Chair for Radiotherapy Physics and Director and Attending Physicist, Radiotherapy Division, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, 2021 – present
  • Associate Chair for Clinical Physics, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2020-2021
  • Co-Director, Physics Division, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2018-2021
  • Consultant, Ann Arbor VA Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2020-2021
  • Associate Director for Clinical Physics, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2008-2020
  • Chief of Off-Site Physics Research, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2007-2008
  • Chief of Ann Arbor VA Physics, Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2007-2008
  • Research Clinical Physicist Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2000-2001


  • Vice-chair, Multidisciplinary QA Subcommittee, 2023-2024
  • Member, Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee, 2023-2024
  • Vice-chair, Annual Meeting Track-Patient Safety, 2022-2024
  • Vice-chair, ROI Research Committee, 2022-2024
  • Member, Women in Radiation Oncology Affinity Group, 2022-2024
  • Member, Annual Meeting Scientific Committee, 2022-2024
  • Member, ROI Research Committee and Research Agenda Task Force (2021), 2021-2022
  • Member, IMRT Safety White Paper Task Force, 2021-2022
  • Member, Gender Ad Hoc Task Force, 2019-2020
  • Member, Multidisciplinary QA Subcommittee, 2009-2015, 2018-2023
  • Member, Annual Meeting Track-Patient Safety, 2015-2019, 2021-2022
  • Member, Science Education and Program Development Subcommittee, 2013-2018
  • Chair, IMRT Quality Assurance White Paper, 2010-2011
  • Member, Advancing Research Talent Subcommittee, 2010-2013
  • Member, Whole Breast Irradiation Guideline Committee, 2015-2018


  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine
    • Chair (2023); consultant 2024, Working Group on Increasing Diversity in Honors and Awards, 2023 – present
    • Member, Task Group 263U1 - Update to Report No. 263 - Standardizing Nomenclatures in Radiation Oncology, 2021 – present
    • Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Administrative Proficiency-Science Council Representative, 2024
    • Member as Consultant to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, 2024
    • Chair and Founder, Work Group on Report Writing, 2024
    • Member, Management of Medical Physics Programs and Departments, 2021-2023
    • Program Director, IMRT QA Specialty Meeting, 2021-2022
    • Member, Standardized Categorizations and Nomenclatures Supporting Clinical and Research Efforts in Radiation Oncology Subcommittee (SC263), 2020 – present
    • Member, Working Group on Task Group Creation, 2020 – present
    • Chair and Founder, Working Group on Science Council Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 2020 – present
    • Chair, Therapy Physics Committee, 2018-2020
    • Member as Chair of WG-ROILS, Quality Assurance and Outcome Improvement Subcommittee, 2018-2019
    • Chair, Working Group on Radiation Oncology – Incident Learning System, 2018-2019
    • Consultant, Task Group 307 on the Use of EPIDs for Patient-Specific IMRT and VMAT QA, 2017 – present
    • Member, Women's Professional Subcommittee, 2017-2022
    • Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Help Integration of Effort, 2017-2020
    • Member as Vice Chair of Meeting Coordination Committee, Analysis and Evaluation Subcommittee, 2017-2018
    • Member as Vice Chair of Meeting Coordination Committee, Annual Meeting Subcommittee, 2017-2018
    • Member as Vice Chair of Meeting Coordination Committee, Spring Clinical Meeting Subcommittee, 2017-2018
    • Chair and Founder, Working Group on Task Group Review Streamlining, 2016-2023
    • Member, Task Group 155 Small Fields and Non-Equilibrium Condition Photon Beam Dosimetry, 2016-2021
    • Chair, Specialty Meetings Oversight Subcommittee, 2016-2018
    • Member, Working Group on the Implementation of TG-100, 2016-2018
    • Vice Chair, AAPM Working Group on Meeting Coordination Committee Purpose, Organization, and Rules, 2016-2018
    • Member, Science Council Associates Mentorship Program, 2015-2018
    • Vice Chair, Task Group 263 – Standardizing Nomenclature for Radiation Therapy, 2015-2018
    • Vice Chair, Working Group on Radiation Oncology – Incident Learning System, 2015-2017
    • Member, Medical Physics Board of Editors – Working Group 1 – Improving review process efficiency, quality, and selectivity, 2014-2021
    • Member, Task Group 263 – Standardizing Nomenclature for Radiation Therapy, 2014-2018
    • Director, Young Investigators' Symposium, Spring Clinical Meeting Subcommittee, 2014-2017
    • Member, Task Group 219 Independent Dose and MU Verification for IMRT Patient Specific Quality Assurance, 2013-2021
    • Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Meetings Strategy, 2013-2015
    • Member, Science Council, 2012 – present
    • Vice Chair, Therapy Physics Committee, 2012-2017
    • Member, Director of Therapy Track and Young Investigator Symposium, Spring Clinical Meeting Subcommittee, 2012-2017
    • Member as Chair of Task Group 113, Working Group on Clinical Trials, 2012-2017
    • Member, Task Group 218 Tolerance Levels and Methodologies for IMRT Verification QA, 2011-2017
    • Member, Budget Subcommittee, 2011-2014
    • Chair and Founder, Women's Professional Subcommittee, 2010-2013
    • Member as Chair of Women's Professional Subcommittee, Professional Services Committee, 2010-2013
    • Member, Finance Committee, 2010-2012
    • Chair, Work Group on Clinical Trials, 2009-2011
    • Liaison for Science Council, Therapy Track, Scientific Program Subcommittee, 2009-2011
    • Member, Therapy Physics Committee Radiological Physics Center Site Visit Team, 2008-2011
    • Board Member-at-Large, Board of Directors, 2008-2010
    • Member, Therapy Physics Committee, 2008-2010
    • Chair, Task Group 113 on Physics Practice Standards for Clinical Trials, 2005-2018
    • Member, Work Group on Clinical Trials, 2005-2008
    • Member, Task Group on Dosimetry Metrology, 2003-2010
    • Member, Unit No. 70 – Accelerating Mid-Career Physicists in Leadership Meeting, 2021
    • Member, Ad Hoc Committee for the Implementation of the TG-100 Report, 2015
    • Member, Task Group 242 Search Committee for Medical Physics Deputy Editor Positions, 2013
    • Chair, Ad Hoc Headquarters Site Visit Committee, 2011
    • Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning, 2010
    • Member, Headquarters Site Visit Committee, 2008
    • Member, Task Group No. 184 2018 World Congress Hosting Feasibility Task Group, 2008
    • Member, Task Group on Dosimetry Metrology, 2003-2010
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
    • Member representing the AAPM, consultancy on the Radiation Oncology Physics Handbook; co-editor of effort to update the book, 2023 – present
  • National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
    • Member, SC 4-10: Error Prevention in Radiation Therapy, 2021-2023
  • Medical Physics (Journal)
    • Department Editor, AAPM Scientific Reports-Therapy, 2021 – present
  • American Board of Radiology 
    • Examiner for Oral Board Exams, 2015, 2016, 2021, 2022, 2023
  • NRG Oncology
    • Member, Radiomics Committee, 2017
    • Member, Medical Physics Committee, 2013 – present
  • Radiation Oncology - Safety Stakeholders Initiative (RO-SSI)
    • Member, 2016
    • Co-Chair, 2017 – present
  • Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium
    • Assistant Director, then Co-Director, 2010-2021
    • Member, Executive Committee, Physics Lead, 2010-2021
    • Member, Breast Working Group, Physics Lead, 2010-2021
    • Member, Lung Working Group, 2010-2021
    • Member, Bone Metastases Working Group, Physics Lead, 2017-2021
    • Member, Prostate Working Group, Physics Lead, 2020-2021
  • RTOG
    • Member, Bioinformatics Working Group, 2008-2013
    • Member, Medical Physics Committee, 2008-2013
  • National Institute of Health
    • Member, Steering Committee to the Advanced Technology Consortium, 2007-2010
  • American Association of Women Radiologists
    • Liaison to AAPM, 2007-2010
    • Member, Steering Committee to the Advanced Technology Consortium, 2007-2010
  • Great Lakes Chapter AAPM
    • President and member of Executive Committee, 2004
    • President-Elect and member of Executive Committee, 2003


Dr. Jean Moran is the Vice Chair and Director for the Division of Radiotherapy Physics in the Department of Medical Physics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Her clinical, research, teaching and service activities focus on quality and safety, intensity modulated radiation therapy, breast cancer and quality improvement through registries. She has served ASTRO through multiple committees including the Multi-disciplinary QA Committee, the Women in Radiation Oncology Affinity group, and several connected with ASTRO’s annual meeting. In addition, she serves on the Radiation Oncology Institute’s Research Committee. With respect to reports, Dr. Moran led the initial ASTRO Safety White Paper on IMRT and was a co-author of its update as well as of ASTRO’s whole breast radiation therapy guideline. Dr. Moran has contributed to ASTRO’s journals as a reviewer and researcher. She has also served the field of radiation oncology through multiple other societies, especially the AAPM. For example, she led the AAPM Therapy Physics Committee which oversees the creation and review of AAPM Task Group reports. Dr. Moran has expertise in using risk-based tools to improve quality, especially in the development and safe deployment of clinical software for patient care through work at MSKCC and previously at the University of Michigan. She was a founding member of the Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium, which developed a radiation oncology-specific registry to advance the quality of care throughout the state of Michigan. She supports diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in her work and is an active mentor and sponsor.

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