ASTRO Guideline on Radiation Therapy for Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Published: July 2017 (Web posted April 2017)
Read Executive Summary
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This guideline focuses on four critical topics facing radiation oncologists treating oropharyngeal cancer: the integration of concurrent chemotherapy with radiation therapy in the definitive and adjuvant settings; the indications for induction chemotherapy; and the appropriate dose and fractionation regimens for treating the disease.
Endorsed by:
- European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
Key Points:
- Concurrent therapy for high-risk patients
- Optimal dosing and fractionation based on treatment approach
- Risk of recurrence
Reflections from the Patient Advocate (Appendix 1 from guideline)
The Management of Head and Neck Cancers (CME)
Patient Brochure