Massachusetts Accreditation Regulation
ASTRO’s APEx - Accreditation Program for Excellence® is the fastest growing radiation oncology accreditation program in the U.S. ASTRO recently received verification from the Massachusetts Department of Health that APEx is a viable option for practices in the Commonwealth.
There has been a misconception that practices offering CT services must be accredited by the American College of Radiology (ACR), but ASTRO has received written confirmation stating that the requirement is for equipment performing diagnostic CT examinations and does not include practices performing CT scans for radiation therapy simulation purposes only.
ASTRO is keen to partner with Massachusetts-based radiation oncology practices and invites interested parties to consider switching to APEx for their next accreditation cycle. APEx focuses on the entire radiation oncology team with an emphasis on patient safety and ongoing quality improvement. Learn more about the program on the APEx website.
Want to learn more about APEx? Contact us to set up an interest meeting to learn more about the APEx process.