
Practice Support

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Practice Support

Helping radiation oncologists stay apprised of current trends that affect their practice is critical. In this section you will find information on ASTRO's coding resources, the APEx practice accreditation program, Medicare and private payer reimbursements and health policy issues.


The radiation oncology coding section provides information on a number of activities ASTRO engages in to ensure proper coding of radiation oncology services.


Keep apprised of policy and coverage issues, and stay up-to-date on Medicare and private payer news and initiatives.

Medicare Quality Payment Program

Keep apprised of Medicare's quality initiatives and value-based reimbursement programs.

Quality and Safety

ASTRO accomplishes a key strategic goal of driving high quality by leading initiatives that enhance quality and safety, and developing resources that ultimately improve patient outcomes and the lives of people with cancer.


APEx, the fastest growing radiation oncology accreditation program in the United States, recognizes facilities by objectively assessing adherence to rigorous quality and safety standards to improve patient care and outcomes.

COVID-19 Recommendations

These resources were developed to guide, to counsel broadly and to aid our colleagues across all practice environments, from academic to free-standing facilities.

Sunshine Act FAQs

View frequently asked questions for physicians regarding the Sunshine Act (Open Payments Program) .

Prior Authorization Issues Form

ASTRO seeks feedback about the burden that prior authorization places on radiation oncology practices and patients, which will be used to enable ASTRO to advocate for much needed reforms.

HP Fellowship Application Open

ASTRO is now accepting applications for its Health Policy Fellowship, a year-long program designed to provide exposure to ASTRO’s health policy reimbursement and coding activities and to develop the next generation of ASTRO health policy leaders.
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