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Adding ASTRO to Your Safe Sender List

If you are not receiving emails from ASTRO, including your weekly ASTROgram, quarterly ASTROnews eTable of Contents, and updates on Medicare reimbursement and more, please talk to your IT team to be sure that astro.org is on your safe sender list. If you are not receiving your daily digest emails from the ROhub, view the adding ROhub to your safe sender list.

A safe sender list is a list of email addresses or domain names from which a spam filter will allow messages to be received. Spam filters are intended to prevent unsolicited email messages from appearing in your inbox.

The information your IT team needs to flag ASTRO as a safe sender is:

Domain: astro.org
Prepend Domain: send.astro.org and magnet101.com
IP Addresses: and

Instructions for IT Teams

Below are instructions for common spam filters.

Instructions for Individuals

Below are instructions for common email clients.

  1. Right-click a message in the preview pane (double-check the Junk and Clutter folders for messages too).
  2. Click the drop-down list and select Junk.
  3. Select Never Block Sender's Domain.

NOTE: If the message was found in the Junk or Clutter folder, you can move it to the inbox.

  1. Click the Gmail drop-down list (on the left side of the screen) and select Contacts.
  2. Add the "from" address to your contact list.

NOTE: If the message was found in the spam folder, right click it and select Not Spam. Additionally, you can move messages to their proper classification folder, if needed.

  1. Right-click a message and select Add to Contacts. Alternatively, select Contacts on the left sidebar and add the sender's "from" address.

NOTE: If the message was found in the spam folder, right-click it and select Not Spam.

  1. Click the Contacts icon (in the upper left corner) and select New Contact.
  2. Add the sender's email address.

NOTE: If the message was found in the spam folder, right-click it and select Not Spam. if you see the address in the block list, select the address you wish to remove and click Remove.

Other Email Clients
  1. Add the sender’s “from” address to your contact list/address book. If the message was found in the spam folder, move it to the inbox or right-click it and select Not Spam.

Have additional questions or concerns? Email ASTRO's Communications Department.

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