Results of the 2021 ASTRO Member Survey
A closer look at Member Survey Demographics
Each year, ASTRO conducts a Member Survey to learn more about our members’ needs and concerns and how as a society we can serve them better. This year’s survey also delved into member job satisfaction and the future of the field. The Member Survey was in the field for eight weeks, May 25 through July 26 and was emailed to ASTRO Active, Affiliate, Associate, International, and Member-in-Training members. Nearly 15% of those surveyed responded, representing a slight decrease from 2020.
Today, there is much interest in the demographic profile of ASTRO members. Therefore, in this article, we provide additional insight into the demographics of survey respondents. In addition, we offer an expanded look at how members rate the functions ASTRO provides.
More than two thirds of survey participants are radiation oncologists, distantly followed by medical physicists. These percentages closely mirror the demographics of the ASTRO membership at large.
Survey Respondents - Profession

Survey Respondents – Gender by Profession*
In the survey, members were asked to select the gender with which they identify. The options provided were Male, Female, Non-binary and Prefer not to specify. The responses were cross tabulated with profession.

*Excludes respondents who selected “Non-binary” (n=2) and “Prefer not to specify” (n=60).
Survey Respondents – Race*
Survey respondents were asked to describe themselves. Six options were provided including American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White or Caucasian and Prefer not to specify. Respondents were able to select all that apply. Two thirds of respondents described themselves as White or Caucasian.

*Excludes respondents who selected “Prefer not to specify” (n=136).
Survey Respondents – Race by profession
Responses were cross tabulated against profession to give readers a closer look at how members describe themselves with regard to race.

Survey Respondents – Ethnicity*
Nine out of 10 respondents indicated that they are not of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.

*Excludes respondents who selected “Prefer not to specify” n=69.
Survey Respondents – Primary Employer
Half of all respondents practice in an academic/university system. Looking specifically at radiation oncologist respondents: domestic radiation oncologist practice employer is almost equally distributed between academic/university systems and private/community-based systems and for international radiation oncologists, academic/university systems are the primary employer.

Importance of the functions ASTRO provides
Radiation oncologist members were asked to rate the importance of ASTRO’s core functions on a scale of 1 to 7 with 7 being very important and 1 being not at all important. A list of 16 functions, ranging from Advocacy to Professional Development were provided.
In 2021, U.S. radiation oncologists rate advocacy for appropriate reimbursement as the top function ASTRO performs. International radiation oncologists rate publishing scientific and practice journals as the top function. All functions were highly rated. Functions rated 5 or above are listed below.

N/A = Not asked.
Thank you to members who completed the 2021 ASTRO Member Survey. Your feedback is invaluable to ASTRO as we strategically plan ASTRO initiatives. The 2022 Member Survey will be sent in May, please take the opportunity to share your opinions.