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Learn about the Field of RO

Radiation oncology is an important component of multidisciplinary cancer care and an excellent career option for the right person. Unfortunately, most United States medical students learn very little about radiation oncology during their course of study. In an effort to promote greater knowledge of radiation oncology across all medical students, we invite you to watch the following two narrated slide presentations. The presentations include an introduction to radiation oncology, the radiation oncology job market and future prospects for the specialty. They also address the need for greater diversity in our workforce, and general pathways for addressing health disparities in highly specialized fields like radiation oncology. Our goal in providing these presentations is to ensure all medical students are exposed to radiation oncology directly by radiation oncologists, and to support those who make an informed decision to pursue it.

Part 1

In this presentation, Malcolm Mattes, MD, a radiation oncologist, provides an introduction to radiation oncology and how radiation oncology is incorporated into multidisciplinary cancer care. The presentation includes a brief primer on the process of care from simulation through delivery, as well as a description of the different radiation therapy modalities.


Part 2

In this presentation, Dr. Mattes discusses radiation oncology as a career, including the pros and cons of becoming a radiation oncologist, the competitiveness of the field, the future of radiation therapy and the current job market. The presentation also discusses the need to increase diversity within the field and how radiation oncologists can help to address health disparities locally, nationally and internationally.


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