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Yasamin Sharifzadeh

Yasamin Sharifzadeh

Senior Member, ARRO Executive Committee, Communications and Advocacy Subcommittee

Mayo Clinic Rochester


  • MD, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond, Virginia, 2020
  • BS, Stanford University, Stanford, California, 2015

Postgraduate Education

  • Radiation Oncology Residency Program, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 2021 – present
  • Intern, Transitional Medicine Year, University of Maryland Midtown Campus, Baltimore, 2020-2021

Biographical Statement

When I was six years old, my family immigrated from Iran to a Virginia suburb of Washington, DC. Switching coasts, I completed my undergraduate degree at Stanford University where I studied Science, Technology and Society with an interest in medical history and ethics. As an undergraduate, I worked in a clinical pain and neuroscience lab, which helped me find my passion for working with older adults. In medical school, I received a grant to study aging from the American Federation on Aging Research. Serendipitously, my aging research project was within a radiation oncology department, and the rest was history! As a resident at the Mayo Clinic, my passions are in clinical care for older adults and patient reported outcomes research. I am honored and excited to be on the ARRO Executive Committee. Using my experiences leading social media teams for multiple other radiation oncology and resident organizations, I hope to help create a more connected community of radiation oncology residents through social events and improved dissemination of resources for both personal and professional growth. Outside of work, I love attending comedy shows, singing karaoke and bargain hunting.

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