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RO-HAC Overview

Mission/Vision for RO-HAC:

  • To provide radiation oncology-specific expertise to RO-ILS: Radiation Oncology Incident Learning System® by conducting data analysis on reported data.


  • Review of aggregate patient safety data based on event reports.
  • Review of serious and potentially serious patient safety incidents.
  • Review of identifiable data with requisite confidentiality protections met.
  • Support the development and dissemination of patient safety interventions based on individual reports and aggregate data.
  • Advise on the real-time operation of RO-ILS, particularly on usability and/or gaps in the reporting system.
  • Provide radiation oncology-specific expertise to RO-ILS.


  • There will be an estimated 12 members serving on the RO-HAC. Membership size may be adjusted at the beginning of each contract year based on volume/need.
  • After selection, members will serve a two-year term, with opportunity for renewal. Members can serve a maximum of three terms (for a total of six years). A shorter maximum length of service may apply if a RO-HAC member retires while serving on the RO-HAC.
  • ASTRO reserves the right to remove a RO-HAC member prior to the end of their term if the member no longer meets the RO-HAC qualifications.

Selection Process:

  • When there are opening(s) on the RO-HAC, ASTRO and relevant sister societies will issue a call for volunteers. A call for volunteers is typically posted in July or August, if there are open position(s) for the following year.
  • Individuals interested in serving on RO-HAC will complete an application and the ASTRO Statement of Disclosure.
  • RO-HAC members are selected by the leadership of ASTRO’s Clinical Affairs and Quality Committee leadership with input from supporting associations, as needed. Based on the ASTRO Statement of Disclosure, relationships and interests will be reviewed to determine if they pose a conflict of interest, which may disqualify an applicant.
  • Selected RO-HAC members must sign a Business Associates Agreement and an Independent Contractor Agreement with Clarity PSO. Clarity has the right to terminate the agreements upon its determination that a RO-HAC member is not performing quality services or is acting in a manner that is detrimental to the business interest or professional reputation of Clarity and/or Clarity PSO. 


  • Must have at least 10 years of clinical experience.
  • Must be employed by a health care-related organizations.
  • Demonstrated expertise in patient safety. Expertise may be documented through: 
    • Publishing paper(s) in the area of patient safety,
    • Serving on a Quality Assurance committee (either within ASTRO, another association, or their home institution),
    • Participating in continuing education in the area of patient safety,
    • Running a quality improvement program at a departmental level, and/or
    • Other such leadership in quality improvement and/or patient safety activities.
  • Experience with the RO-ILS program as a user of the system (strongly recommended).
  • Must be willing and able to actively participate in RO-HAC.
  • NO conflicts of interest as defined by ASTRO policy for RO-HAC. Beyond standard conflicts of interest, RO-HAC members may not hold any interest or relationship with an entity that would be prohibited from becoming a PSO by federal regulations. This includes but is not limited to: 
    • health insurance issuer,
    • accrediting or licensing body,
    • an enforcement or regulatory body.

Acting as an accreditation surveyor or in other capacities involved in the development or operation of an accreditation program (such as ASTRO, ACRO, or ACR's radiation oncology-specific programs, or CoC, NAPBC, etc.) may prohibit an applicant from serving on RO-HAC. RO-HAC members are allowed to participate in their institution's preparation for obtaining accreditation.

Requirements for active participation in RO-HAC*:

  • Sign an independent contractor agreement and a business associate contract with Clarity PSO.
  • Review event reports and aggregate data monthly and as needed.
  • Use communication platform in compliance with Patient Safety Act.
  • Attend the following meetings:
    • Orientation conference call(s)/meeting(s) with Clarity PSO.
    • A monthly one-hour conference call.
    • Additional conference call(s)/meeting(s) as necessary.
    • An annual one day, in-person meeting**.


  • Members receive an annual honorarium for their participation on RO-HAC.

*Current members estimate that they spend on average five hours per month on RO-HAC-related activities, with some months requiring more time.

** Given travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the 2020 in-person meeting will be adjusted.

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