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Thoracic Symposium starts Thursday, eContouring and ROCKS webinars, APEx welcomes new facilities

November 29, 2023

2023 Thoracic Cancers Symposium: Register now to participate virtually!
There’s still time to participate in the 2023 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium as part of the Live Virtual Symposium (includes livestream access to education sessions taking place in the General Session room, the opportunity to interact with presenters during live sessions through Social Q&A, access to the ePoster library, onDemand recordings in the ASTRO Academy until December 2025, and the ability to earn continuing education credit). We’ve got a great program planned starting Thursday morning at 7:50 a.m. Central time. Learn more and register today!

Already registered? Be sure to log in a little early on Thursday to ensure you are able to connect. And if you are near New Orleans, you can still register in person.

Just over a week left to register for the Coding and Coverage Seminar
Don’t miss the December 2023 Virtual Coding and Coverage Seminar that addresses the many factors affecting this complex and ever-changing aspect of clinical practice. The planning committee has developed a dynamic program to make clinical coding easier to understand and apply to your practice. View the schedule to see what we have in store. Register for the seminar to hear firsthand from experts on important coding issues and participate in informative discussions with your colleagues about coding practices. Join us virtually for this convenient, one-day seminar held on Saturday, December 9, and receive an electronic and print copy of the 2024 ASTRO Coding Resource. Register by December 8!
ASTRO ROCKS webinar: Overcoming the challenges of prioritizing academic research
Successful researchers from academic radiation oncology departments will share their advice for prioritizing research while balancing clinical and other responsibilities in the next ASTRO Research-Oriented Career Knowledge and Support (ROCKS) session, December 13, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time. In this free webinar, a panel of department chairs and leaders in the field will share their experiences and practical suggestions for navigating a research career in radiation oncology, and answer attendee questions during a Q&A session. The webinar is open to anyone interested in academic research, especially residents and early career researchers. Learn more and register via the ASTRO Academy.
Upcoming Webinar – 2023 eContouring for Breast Cancer
Registration is open for the 2023 eContouring for Breast Cancer Webinar, which will be held on December 15, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time and will be led by Mylin Torres, MD. This ASTRO Academy  webinar offers access to hands-on contouring practice on real cases in addition to a live webinar with time for Q&A. ASTRO members receive a discount and members-in-training and international members-in-training can register for free. Free registration for residents is supported by the Radiation Oncology Institute’s  Juan A. del Regato Fund.
Mark your calendar for the 7th Annual ROECSG Spring Symposium
The 7th Annual  ROECSG Spring Symposium, co-sponsored by ASTRO, will be held Friday, May 31, 2024, at RUSH University Medical Center in Chicago. David Kok, MD, a radiation oncologist and medical educator with both the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the University of Melbourne, will serve as the Symposium Keynote Speaker. The meeting will be hybrid (in-person in Chicago or virtual). Registration and abstract submissions are now open. Registration is free.
APEx welcomes new facilities
Congratulations to the following facilities for achieving initial accreditation through ASTRO’s APEx - Accreditation Program for Excellence®:
  • Grand View Health – Sellersville, Pennsylvania
  • Texas Oncology Odessa – Odessa, Texas

And, congratulations to Methodist Cancer Institute Radiation Oncology in Memphis, Tennessee, for achieving reaccreditation. The APEx process provides a transparent, measurable, evidence- and consensus-based review of compliance with standards that emphasize a radiation oncology practice’s commitment to safety and quality. View a list of accredited facilities and contact ASTRO staff to learn about the new options for accreditation and why APEx is The Right Choice™ to accredit your radiation oncology practice.

W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, to be appointed as NCI Director
President Biden announced that he will appoint W. Kimryn Rathmell, MD, PhD, as the 17th director of the National Cancer Institute. An expert in kidney cancer, and currently the chair of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Dr. Rathmell’s new role is set to begin in December. Visit What’s Happening in Washington for more.
Tell Congress to fight Medicare cuts NOW
On January 1, 2024, millions of dollars in Medicare payment cuts will go into effect if Congress does not act in the next few weeks. Since 2013, Medicare has cut payments for radiation oncology services more than 25% — more than nearly any other medical specialty. This year, we are facing even more cuts thanks to reductions in the MPFS conversion factor, clinical labor price updates and inflationary impacts. Congress must act now to protect providers. Ask your representatives and senators to act now and stop the impending Medicare cuts before the end of the year.
ASTRO finance reminds you to be vigilant about cybersecurity
Cybersecurity impacts us all, at home and professionally. In light of increasing cyberattacks on health care institutions, ASTRO reminds you to stay vigilant throughout the year, and especially during this time of year when fraudulent activities tend to increase. Bad actors put out websites, email messages and other communications masquerading as legitimate business correspondence regularly. ASTRO continually monitors for fraudulent registration and order entry sites so that we can take immediate action to remove them.

As a general reminder: ASTRO has not changed any banking information or our payment processes.  Therefore, if you receive any communication indicating new or updated ASTRO banking accounts, please forward the email to Membership to report the fraudulent request. If there is ever any doubt about a communication received from ASTRO, member information can be accessed at astro.org or you can reach out directly at 703-502-1550, via email or using the Contact Us form on the ASTRO website.

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