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Winter Issue, Vol. 28, No. 1

The ASTRO Corporate Advisory Council, representing the Corporate Membership at large, met in October at ASTRO’s Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.

Back row [L-R] Andy Nelson, MIM Software; Todd Powell, RefleXion; Seth Blacksburg, Accuray; Ivan Astralaga, C-RAD AB; Michael Bauer, Leo Cancer Care; Marc Mlyn, RaySearch Laboratories; Amir Golan, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation; Michael Pittman, Orfit Industries; Cookab Hashemi, Elekta; Frank Leonard, Novocure, Inc.  [Front L-R] Anu Perera, MD, AstraZeneca; Jeff Michalski, MD, MBA, FASTRO, ASTRO Immediate Past Chair; Howard Sandler, MD, FASTRO, ASTRO Chair; Tim Williams, MD, FASTRO, ASTRO CAC Chair; Amar Rewari, MD, MBA, FASTRO, ASTRO CAC Vice Chair; Vivek Kavadi, MD, MBA, FASTRO, ASTRO CEO  Not pictured: John Steffen, CQ Medical; Rob Morrison, PTW Corporation; and Arthur Kaindl, Varian Medical Systems, A Siemens Healthineers Company  

ASTRO’s Corporate Membership elected the following companies to serve on the 2025 Corporate Advisory Council: IBA, MedLever, Standard Imaging, all newly elected, and C-RAD AB, which was reelected for another term.

The Council is a representative group of the Corporate Membership-at-large, with a proportional mix of large and small companies from the Corporate Membership base. Seats on the Council are held by high-level decision makers within the corporations and represent a broad cross section of the industry.

The Council allows for collaboration between ASTRO and its Corporate Members by focusing on issues and initiatives of mutual interest. Priorities include increasing awareness of radiation therapy and advancing the science and practice of cancer treatment and patient care.

The Council convenes several times a year via conference call and holds an in-person meeting at ASTRO’s Annual Meeting. In 2024, the following topics were brought to the forefront: the emerging growth of radiopharmaceutical therapy in radiation oncology and the newly formed ASTRO Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Roundtable; Cybersecurity and best practices for prevention of cyberattacks; Radiation Therapy in Focus, ASTRO’s new public awareness campaign; changes in health care legislation, including payment policy updates and the Radiation Oncology Case Rate (ROCR), and new technology.

All corporate members can nominate their company to serve on the Council. Nominations are accepted every fall with elections conducted during the winter. For more information about the Council and/or Corporate Membership, please email Joanne DiCesare

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