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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about ASTRO grants and funding. More information about specific grants can be found on the funding opportunities page.


I am a board certified medical physicist. Am I eligible to apply for ASTRO supported grants or can only physicians apply?
  1. Board-eligible physicians, radiobiologists, or physicists in radiation oncology may apply for ASTRO’s Career Development Awards.
  2. Anyone committed to a research career to advance the radiation oncology field and is in a U.S. residency or fellowship at the time of application may apply for ASTRO’s Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Seed Grants.
  3. For specific eligibility criteria please review the relevant Program Announcements.
Are residents from Canadian Universities eligible to apply for the Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Research Seed Grants?

The applicant must be enrolled in a U.S. residency or fellowship at the time the application is submitted. 

Do references for the detailed research plan count towards the page limit?

No, references do not count towards the page limit.

Do figures for the detailed research plan count towards the page limit?

Yes, figures do count towards the page limit.

Is there a minimum PI effort required?

Junior faculty investigators should dedicate at least 25% effort to research while residents/fellows should dedicate 75% effort to research.

Does the mentor’s biosketch need to be included in the application?

The applicant and lead mentor must each submit a biosketch per the guidelines in the Program Announcements.

Who is considered an institutional representative for whom I need my third letter of recommendation?

The institutional letter should reiterate that the applicant’s plan for research has been approved. This letter can be written by a variety of different institutions, including:

  1. IRB
  2. Office of Research and Evaluation
  3. Academic Office
  4. Facility where the research will be conducted
Does the research project I want to fund have to be preapproved by the IRB in order to be considered for the grant?

No, the research project does not have to be preapproved by the IRB in order to apply for ASTRO supported grants.

I am currently being funded by another grant, but it supports less than 25 percent of my efforts, am I still eligible to apply to ASTRO’s grants?

Researchers who are already funded by another grant may still apply for ASTRO supported grants as long as there is no scientific or budgetary overlap, and there is no over commitment.

I would like to obtain past recipient’s research proposals; can ASTRO send that information to me?

Upon request, ASTRO can provide a past award winner's abstract, but cannot expressly share an applicant’s proposal or application.

For the Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Research Training Seed Grant are 6-month proposals also eligible? If so, would this be for the full amount, or for a $12,500 award?

The Resident/Fellows Seed grant is only available for a one year term.

Can indirect costs be budgeted?

No, ASTRO does not pay institutional indirect cost.

Examples of indirect cost include:
  • telephone charges
  • computer use
  • project clerical personnel
  • postage and printing
  • miscellaneous office supplies
  • utilities
  • rent
  • audit and legal
  • administrative staff
  • equipment rental
Can a mentor continue the primary investigator's research if the PI leaves the institution?

No, the research must be completed by the PI. The grant is not transferable to the mentor should the PI leave the institution.

I received helpful feedback from reviewers for a prior application that was not funded. Is there a formalized resubmission process?

There is no separate process for resubmissions. Applicants are to submit a new proposal, and are encouraged to use the reviewers’ comments to guide the proposal development.

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