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DEI for Students

ASTRO has long had a committee that focuses on diversity, health equity and inclusion initiatives for the Society as well as the field of radiation oncology. Medical students are the future and as such, we are continually looking for ways to provide inclusive programs and products. The information below includes some of ASTRO's DEI efforts that may be of interest to medical students considering a career in radiation oncology.

DEI in RO: A Social Education Series

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Radiation Oncology (DEIinRO) is a social education series targeting and discussing key issues on diversity, inclusion and belonging within the field of radiation oncology. This series consists of eight one-hour sessions throughout the summer or 2021. Each session included of a panel of key experts is recorded sessions are available.

Medical Student Fellowship Award

The ASTRO Medical Student Fellowship Award introduces medical students from backgrounds that are underrepresented in medicine to the discipline of radiation oncology early in their medical education. Medical students in all years are encouraged to apply; preference will be given to first- and second-year students. In an effort to promote radiation oncology as a career choice, the fellowship will provide medical students with an experience designed to expose students to clinical, basic and translational research questions in radiation oncology.

DEI in Education

ASTRO is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and seeks to provide opportunities to increase educational awareness on these topics. With the guidance and leadership of ASTRO’s Committee on Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (CHEDI), these educational resources and initiatives are available to assist in raising social awareness on all topics related to DEI in the health care industry as well as in the field of radiation oncology. Learn more about ASTRO's DEI efforts in education.

DEI in Journals

All three ASTRO journals publish articles related to professional development, diversity, equity and inclusion. These articles are typically found at the beginning of specific journal issues, and each journal is actively recruiting content related to all aspects of DEI. The Red Journal and PRO maintain active reviewer trainee programs to proactively diversify the reviewer pool, which has in turn led to the most diverse editorial boards in this history of ASTRO’s journals.

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