Attendee Tools
Access resources to help you plan an educational and productive Annual Meeting including the Annual Meeting Portal, MyASTROApp - ASTRO's official Annual Meeting and Journey Maps to help you customize your experience.
Journey Maps
ASTRO Annual Meeting programming offers many education and scientific sessions as well as networking opportunities to choose from. To help you navigate the meeting, we curated a list of sessions and meeting highlights for select groups of attendees.
Annual Meeting Portal
Search sessions, abstracts and exhibitors to help you plan an educational and productive Annual Meeting.
The official meeting app, MyASTROApp, is now available for download from the iTunes and Google Play stores!

MyASTROApp provides you with access to the meeting program and allows you to customize your meeting experience.
Features of the Annual Meeting Portal and MyASTROApp
- Daily Schedule: Filter by Date, Title, Presenter, Track, Session Type and Focus Area
- Virtual Meeting: Access livestreaming and recorded content on both platforms through the Daily Schedule (Availability based on registration type.)
- Posters and Abstracts: Search and view the full abstracts and interactive posters
- Exhibitors: Search exhibitors by name or product/service category; find Featured Exhibitors and Product Showcase
- Exhibitor Events: Browse exhibitor events such as Industry-Expert Theaters and Industry Satellite Symposia
- Convention Center Maps: View the floor plans of the various levels of the convention center
- Social Media: Access ASTRO's social media channels including X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, ROhub and ASTROblog
Only on the App
- My Schedule: Create your personal schedule for the meeting
- Continuing Education Units: Claim credits and evaluate sessions
- Shuttle Tracker: Track official ASTRO shuttles in real time Saturday, September 30 through Wednesday, October 4
- Notes: Take notes on session, abstract or exhibitor
- Notifications: Interact with other app users through in-app messaging and receive updates from ASTRO about events, room changes and other important updates