Giveaway Guidelines



All giveaways must be provided in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the CMSS Code for Interactions with Companies (CMSS Code), and the PhRMA and AdvaMed Codes on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals. ASTRO is a signatory to the CMSS Code that was drafted by the Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS). This code draws upon on a number of existing codes including those developed by PhRMA, AdvaMed and the AMA and is designed to ensure that societies’ interactions with companies are independent and transparent.

All giveaways by commercial exhibitors must be designed primarily for the education of patients or health care professionals, and may not exceed $10 in value. By matching ASTRO’s giveaway policies with the CMSS Code, it is our intent to place all exhibitors on an even playing field and provide attendees with a meeting experience focused on education. ASTRO Show Management reserves the right to ask any exhibitor to cease distributing items that do not meet the CMSS Code.

All booth giveaways must be approved by ASTRO Show Management in advance of the meeting. To request approval, Exhibitor must submit a giveaway request form via the button at the top of this page. Food and beverage items are considered to be a giveaway and Exhibitor must submit such items for approval.

The following Exhibitor giveaway items are permitted in the Exhibit Hall so long as they do not exceed the $10 value:

Food and beverage items, pens, notepads, rulers, sticky notes, CDs and/or USB Sticks loaded with educational content, books, journals, publications, plastic bags that are 12” x 17” or smaller and hand sanitizer.

The following Exhibitor giveaway items are NOT permitted in the Exhibit Hall:

Tote bags, golf/tennis balls, hats, t-shirts, music CDs, coupons for personal services such as massages, gift certificates, mugs, watches and prescription and non-prescription drugs.

While the CMSS Code does not specify to whether giveaways may have a corporate logo on them, a number of the other codes do restrict logo use on giveaways.

Each company is responsible for understanding and following the specific requirements of any code they have signed on to, the policies within the CMSS Code, the Physician Payments Sunshine/Open Payment Act and any other state and federal laws.



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