Register for the Live Virtual Symposium

Registration for the Live Virtual Symposium is now closed.

Registration Fees

Full Virtual Symposium Registration includes the following:
  • Access to real-time educational sessions taking place in the General Session room.
  • The ability to earn CME.
  • Digital Meeting Materials and access to the ePoster Library and Virtual Exhibit Hall.
  • Ability to interact with Presenters during live sessions through Social Q&A.
  • Discounted price for the onDemand Package within 30 days of the symposium.
Registration CategoryLIVE Virtual Symposium
Emeritus Member$750
Postdoctoral Fellow Member$750
Allied Health Care Professional Member$750
Resident/Fellow/Postdoctoral Fellow Nonmember$800
Student/Grad Student$350
Allied Health Care Professional Nonmember$850
Patient Advocate$350
Please note, the recorded sessions post-meeting are NOT included in your Live Virtual Symposium Registration fee. If you would like to view the recorded sessions after the meeting concludes, please view the Add-on Options for the cost to add the Head and Neck onDemand product to your registration.

Add-on Option

This optional add-on package will allow you to extend your learning beyond the 2022 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancers Symposium. All add-ons are available after the 2022 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancers Symposium concludes.

Head and Neck onDemand product - $75

The 2022 Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancers Symposium is available to purchase onDemand at a special discounted attendee rate of $75. This add-on will provide continued access to content for three years with pdfs of the slides and downloadable mp3s of each lecture. CME is also available for any lectures you missed during the live interactive virtual event. The Head and Neck onDemand Virtual Product will be available through the ASTRO Academy.

Registration Policies



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