Exhibitors planning to reveal a new or updated product, or conduct other special events using sound amplification (“Reveal”) from their booth must obtain permission in advance from ASTRO Show Management via the online submission process in the Exhibitor Resource Center. Exhibitors are not allowed to set up additional AV equipment in the aisle for Reveals. All Reveals must take place within the confines of the Exhibitor’s contracted booth space and may not include surrounding aisles. Reveals that are outward facing toward the aisles may last no longer than 15 minutes. Reveals lasting longer than 15 minutes must be centrally located within the booth and may not be outward facing toward the aisles. Reveals may not cause attendees to obstruct the aisles or interfere with other Exhibitors’ booth activities and must also comply with the Obstruction of Aisles section of the Exhibitor Rules, Regulations and Policies. Reveals may not take place during the following times:
Sound levels must not exceed 75 decibels and all sound and lighting for Reveals must adhere to the regulations listed in the Flashing Lighting and Noise section of the Exhibitor Rules, Regulations and Policies.